Age of Sigmar Deathrattle marching across swamps

Age of Sigmar Deathrattle marching across swamps

Review | Space Dinosaur Minis 2024

And so another year comes to a close. This was the year of exploration for me, as I tried a plethora of new games, from the far distant future of 40k to naval warfare during the age of Napoleon. Of course, a few little models got painted as well. I joined a few challenges from various other blogs, and now I'm a part of the Analogue Hobbies Painting Challenge to finish of this year and start the next. Overall, I would say that it's been a good year. 

Paint Recipe | Black Seas Spanish Navy

I’m moving through all of the major nations present in Black Seas, and now it’s the turn of the Spanish. I have painted a Spanish ship before, a large merchant vessel, but it’s not the “official” scheme used by Warlord Games to denote our Iberian friends. I use official loosely, as there weren’t really standardized paint schemes in this timeframe, more like pick a color out of this pot, and it was almost always a variation of yellow it seems. Regardless, here’s the red version.

Warlord Games Black Seas Spanish Brig

Tutorial | Making a Brigantine for Black Seas

Black Seas has a great set of models, but if there's one ship type you get a lot of, it's brigs. Not that there's anything wrong with brigs. It's just that, at least in terms of plastic models, you jump from tiny little un-rated brigs up to 5th rate frigates. And there's also a jump from the even more minuscule gunboats to the brig. Yes, there are resin models that fill those gaps, but they are harder to acquire as you have to get them direct from Warlord Games, which gets expensive, or hope you get lucky on Amazon or Ebay. Luckily, other folks have noticed this problem and have converted up some solutions. This is my attempt.  

Warlord Games Black Seas Brig Conversion

Hobby | Stop, Martello Time

One thing that's really easy about naval wargaming is that the terrain can be really easy; just throw down a blue cloth and you're done. That doesn't mean that there's no terrain either though. A lot of naval actions happened fairly close to shore, or involved land elements as well. That includes these little guys known as Martello Towers, which is a misspelling of the Italian martella, or hammer. 

Warlord Games Black Seas Martello Tower

Paint Recipe | Black Seas French Navy

I’ve been working my way up in ship sizes to the largest plastic model available in the Black Seas range: the 3rd rate. They come with generic figureheads and stern galleries on a standard 74-gun body. However, you can also purchase unique ships that come with their own bespoke ornaments cast in white metal. This particular example is the Bucentaure, of Trafalgar fame, that comes in the French Navy box. 

Warlord Games Black Seas 3rd Rate

Paint Recipe | Black Seas United States Navy

Last post, I painted up an American brig using more generic ship colors. That wouldn't do for the USS President, one of the famous six US frigates. I went for the classic black hull with white stripe that you can currently see on the USS Constitution in Boston harbor. I visited that ship earlier this year, and what I saw informed a lot of the decisions I made. 

Warlord Games Black Seas USS President

Hobby | Black Seas American Brig

With the Necromunda campaign wrapping up soon and a lull in the action as we look towards another Mordheim campaign, I’ve been venturing back into the world of Black Seas. I have another brig painted up, this time for the American side of things. However, I didn’t paint this up in the “official” US Navy color scheme, instead opting for a more generic look befitting a privateer or a merchant ship pressed into service with the fledgling navy. 

Warlord Games Black Seas Painted Brig

Hobby | Lost Tombs of Hakir Terrain (Spooktober)

In what is perhaps the quickest turnaround for miniatures for me, I received my Reaper Miniatures Bones 6 Kickstarter a few days ago, and then managed to paint all of the terrain in the Lost Tombs of Hakir expansion box. This is a desert themed expansion, more specifically Egyptian, more specifically a fantasy Egypt. It comes with lots of Egypt themed enemies, NPCs, and heroes. What I was really here for was the terrain, as I thought it would make a nice addition to my collection (hehe). 

Lost Tombs of Hakir

WIP | The Unsexy Business of Movement Trays

The hobby can’t all be flashy games and pro painted minis. There are the unsung heroes of the game, those things that make life just that little bit easier. For games of The Old World, where moving large bricks of soldiers across the battlefield individually would be a nightmare, that hero is the movement tray. And I had to spend way more time on making them than I thought I would, so now you get to read about some plastic squares. 


Gaming | Indiana Jones and the Template of Doom

We find ourselves back in the ruined wastelands of Hive Secundus as the Necromunda campaign continues. Some of my misgivings about the game have been slightly addressed this go around. Some. Because in this game, we were playing a high octane game driving about on motorcycles ala Mad Max. 

Witness Me! 

Gaming | In the Grim Darkness of the Far Future, there are Games I Don't Like

Now before we get down to the fact that I'm embroiled in a Necromunda campaign, yes, I finished the last Mordheim campaign. No I didn't post that here because I forgot to, and now I have photos for a game that I don't really remember. So instead of me rambling about it, know that Chaos won and I finally managed to get my Undead warband cooking. On to the subject at hand: Necromunda. My game group has lots of Necromunda players, and at the closer of the Mordheim campaign it was decided that we would all try a Hive Secundus game. After about 4 games, I can confidently say that I don't like the game very much at all.


Hobby | Tiny Houses

Unfortunately for myself, I didn't complete more of these little buildings in time for the Season of Scenery challenge. Nonetheless, they are done for myself, so a win is still a win. These 3 buildings are a continuation of my previous post, where I started with 15mm ACW. They're MDF buildings from Sarissa Precision. More precisely, a dutch style barn, a stable barn, and a house. 

ACW 15mm Terrain

Hobby | Barn Storming (Season of Scenery)

Well it happened. I have, ironically after posting about it not too long ago, met the requirements for truly starting historical wargaming. There is a little Space Dino on the way. They have timed it perfectly with my local game store's anniversary sale, and so I scooped up a little something. Something about the best Civil War. And of course, with the little time remaining in the Season of Scenery challenge, I had to get some terrain in. It can't all be vehicles. 

15 mm Barn

Hobby | Funboat Gunboat (Season of Scenery 2024)

We now return from outer space, away from the high tech past into our much lower tech past with some gunboats for Black Seas. The name makes them sound more threatening than they are, but if enough of them get into your face you can be in a world of pain. 

Warlord Games Black Seas Gunboats

Review | X-Wing Battle of Yavin

Not a lot of photos, and a bit of a short one, but I squeezed in a game of X-Wing. We played a 3-player game of the AMG scenario, Battle of Yavin, with myself as the Empire and the other two taking command of the Rebel forces looking to destroy the Death Star. 

X-Wing Battle of Yavin

Hobby | Black Seas 38-gun Frigate (Season of Scenery 2024)

Back from space ships to sea ships, I have another Black Seas model completed, also in Royal Navy colors. This time it's a 38-gun frigate, one of their models from the plastic range and provided in the starter set. 
Warlord Games Black Seas Frigate

Space Din-O-Pinions | RIP to Star Wars Armada and X-Wing (Season of Scenery 2024)

This will be a sort of weird hybrid post. I'll be talking about my thoughts with the recent announcement that Armada and X-Wing are ceasing development, but nobody likes a wall of text, unless you're into books. But this isn't a book, and pictures are required, so I've gone ahead and interspersed my ramblings with photos of my painted Armada squadrons. So it does double duty for the Season of Scenery challenge as well.  

Star Wars Armada Painted Squadrons

Gaming | Mordheim Treasure Hunt

No, the warbands weren't given a list of clues to go hunting about the city. They had to find a chest, hidden amongst the ruins, and keep the other warband from finding it. This time my Restless Dead warband was up against the Pit Fighters.  


Hobby | Black Seas Brig (Season of Scenery 2024)

With the Mordheim campaign in full swing now, Black Seas is taking a pause, but not before I finished painting one of their plastic ships, the dimunutive brig, this one in Royal Navy colors.

Warlord Games Black Seas Brig

Gaming | Mordheim Map Campaign

The next Mordheim campaign has begun in my group! Now that we have the basics down, we're going a little fancier with this one. Now we're trying the map campaign from the book, and we have to take control of territories to gain bonuses. So off the Restless Dead go with zombies and skeletons in tow to further some eldritch end of the big liche in charge, who is still nameless because I'm terrible with names. 


Hobby | Black Seas Schooner

Before I shift my attention back to Mordheim, I was able to pop out another model from Black Seas. This time it's a topsail schooner, which comes in a box of 6 with 3 variations. The models are all metal, which has some benefits when compared to the metal and resin from the previous ship, the Merchant Vessel

Warlord Games Black Seas Schooner

Hobby | Black Seas Merchant Vessel

As I mentioned in the last post, I've begun dabbling with the world of historical miniatures. And by dabble I mean buy way too many ships, but that is a problem for future me. Current me is proud of the first ship out of the shipyard, a large Merchant Vessel from Warlord Games Black Seas.

Black Seas Merchant Vessels

Space Din-O-Pinions | New England Escapades

Hello all, it has been a little bit since I last had a post here, and apologies for not leaving any comments on all of your blogs. I've been out on a much needed vacation, touring about the New England coast. Now that I'm back, fully refreshed, I'm ready to get back into the hobby groove, but with some new additions on the horizon. 

Gaming | The Mordheim Finale

The warbands have all grown mighty in the last few weeks, and so we look to bring this open campaign to a close. Mostly because now we know who the main core of players are, and so we can start a proper map campaign. But also for the fun of it and as a chance for everyone to try new warbands! And what better way to close it off than with a 4 player free-for-all winner-takes-all deathmatch. 


Hobby | Something a Little Different

I've recently passed around the sun a total of 30 times, so now that I have become an old man, it's time for my hobby to get serious. I don't have kids yet though, so I'm legally not allowed to get into historical wargaming yet. This model was a gift from a friend, from the Lindberg line of models, not that I know what that means. This guy is an XB-70, the supersonic strategic bomber the US Air Force came up with back in the golden age of aviation. 

XB-70 Model

Gaming | Star Wars Armada

2024 seems to be the year of variety, what with Mordheim starting up earlier in the year and now Armada. This is the 3rd game that I've played, but the first this year, the first to the full 400 point standard game, the first with the Rebels, the first with upgrades, and the first against an opponent that I'm not related to. Lots of firsts as you can see. 

Star Wars Armada
We could, in fact, repel firepower of that magnitude

Gaming | The Ambush

We had something of a bye week to let everyone get a break, but the action has returned to Mordheim! This time we have my Skaven facing off against some Witch Hunters in a game that was... unfortunately one sided. 


Gaming | Occupy Wall Street

The Mordheim campaign continues apace, this time pitting my wily Eshin warband vs the horrifically whimsical Cult of the Possessed. The objective for this game was Occupy, where teams had to have at least one unit in the footprint of a building with no enemy models contesting. Luckily for me, everyone survived last time, but unfortunately no one gained enough XP to have any new skills or changes to their baseline stats. So in the warband went to claim ruined buildings for what I'm sure are nefarious reasons.

Mordheim Occupy

Gaming | Wyrdstone Hunt

Practice games are done, the gloves are off, and the deaths are real. The Mordheim campaign has finally begun.


Hobby | Action Hero Pose Skaven

The fancy knights of Bretonnia, and the dirtier peasants, can't be getting all the attention. After all, they weren't even the first project this year that was set in the Old World. Nope, we're back to our Skaven content. This time we've got another hero for the warband, 1 of the 2 Black Skaven that I'm allowed in the warband. 

Mordheim Black Skaven

WIP | Time is a Square

This year has unintentionally had something of a throwback theme, as I've started playing Mordheim, and now I'm working on getting an army for Warhammer: The Old World off the ground. I never got to play Warhammer Fantasy back in the day, let alone make a rank and flank army. When Age of Sigmar launched, I did manage to pick up some official models, which I supplemented with miniatures from Fireforge Games. I didn't get very far, as the army didn't really have a place in the modern game. I mean, sure, I could play them as Cities of Sigmar, but it just didn't fit very well. But thanks to the revitalization of Warhammer Fantasy, I'm finally able to give this army some much needed love. 

Bretonnia Army

Hobby | Totally not a Paladin for D&D

Recently I’ve been painting up lots of Skaven for Mordheim, and that's meant that I've had a lot of reds and blacks and cream colors left on my palette. I also had this guy sitting around half painted, and guess what? The paint recipe calls for lots of reds and blacks and creams. Huzzah for efficiency! 

Painted Stormcast Eternals Knight Relictor

Hobby | Sneaky Stab Kill

My Eshin Skaven warband continues to grow, and this time, we have the head honcho of this whole operation: the Assassin Adept. In reality, this model is a Deathmaster from the Age of Sigmar line, but they're basically the same model.  

Skaven Deathmaster

Hobby | A Conjurer of Cheap Tricks

Since I'm basically an expert at playing Skaven in Mordheim now, I feel comfortable settling down with the warband and throwing some paint on some models. First up I have this Eshin Sorcerer, who is converted from a Grey Seer who would normally sit atop a Screaming Bell. Whether or not this is a demotion or promotion for this particular rat is up to the reader. 

Mordheim Eshin Sorcerer

Gaming | The Defenestration of Mordheim

Look at me go, not even 1 month into the year and I already got 2 games under my belt. Yep, it's more Mordheim. More learning games as we ramp up the campaign, so I decided to try out my Skaven Eshin warband and see how it goes. Turns out really well. 


Gaming | Welcome to Mordheim

I like efficiency, and in my quest for efficiency, this post will contribute to 4 of the 5 goals I set out for myself at the start of the year, all of one post ago. You see, I have found a group of folks in the local area who are starting up a Mordheim campaign. I was introduced a bit late to the hobby for Warhammer Fantasy and it's various offshoots, but with the return of the Old World, it seems that renewed interest is springing up in the hobby-verse. So I decided to dive right in and I actually played a test game. 


Space Din-O-Pinions | Happy New Year and Goals for 2024

Here we are again, at the start of a new year. Every year, it sounds more and more futuristic, and before we know it it'll be 2050 and the promise of flying cars will finally be achieved. By that time Warhammer Fantasy will have been killed off and brought back again. One year at a time though, so let's focus on 2024 and what the Space Dino wants out of it.