Age of Sigmar Deathrattle marching across swamps

Age of Sigmar Deathrattle marching across swamps

Gaming | The Defenestration of Mordheim

Look at me go, not even 1 month into the year and I already got 2 games under my belt. Yep, it's more Mordheim. More learning games as we ramp up the campaign, so I decided to try out my Skaven Eshin warband and see how it goes. Turns out really well. 


No objective this time around, just a good old fashioned brawl and last man, er rat standing wins it all. We got a really nice dense table setup, using some Warcry terrain and some Battle Systems terrain. We did a bit of a better job of not setting up firing lanes this time. That was also helped with our gentleman's agreement to not shoot each other off the table till we got close to the center. 


We had four players this time, in order of activation: Osterlanders from last time, an Orcs & Goblins warband, myself as the Skaven Eshin, and another Skaven warband of the Pestilens variety. 


I got stuck behind some swampy terrain, which counted as difficult and slowed my advance. It turns out that this was the right move later, as every other warband got into the scrum and I was able to show up after and clean up. 



Some of the Osterlanders tried to flank around to the edge of my Skaven, but lucky for me the Skaven are quite fast. I quickly pivoted with my whole force to counter and wiped out the two brave humans. This resulted in the Orcs & Goblins going to to toe with the Pestilens on the other side of the table. Unfortunately for the Orcs & Goblins, their animosity rule meant that a lot of their units kept fighting amongst themselves, reducing their effectiveness. 


A large bunch was starting to form in the middle of the table. This looked rather tasty to me, as I had the Warpfire spell on my sorcerer, which has an AoE attack. So I scuttled in and….



Kaboom! It actually went off, which is not how this sort of thing usually goes for me. Almost the entire bunch was knocked face down, which made it easy for me to come in and mop up the leftovers. Then my Sorcerer and Black Skaven got sniped, and as I had lost a Giant Rat earlier, this now meant I was subject to break tests. So I may have overextended. 


Around this time, the Skaven Pestilens player lost another model and broke, leaving just 3 players in the game. After a bit of back and forth, I managed to cause the Orcs & Goblins to rout, so it was just the rats and humans left at the end. And Ostelanders bowman was up in a bell tower plinking away at me, so I had to do something...



My Nightrunner and two Verminkin ran up as fast as they could while the rest slunk into buildings for cover. Up the ladder my Nightrunner charged, scoring a lucky hit. The unlucky Osterlander plummeted out of the window. They smacked into the roof and were stunned. At this point, the Ostlanders broke and routed, and I managed to squeak out a win. 

A couple of things I learned about my warband:
- I can pump out quite a bit of ranged damage with slings, throwing stars, and spellcasting, which can become oppressive, so I'll have to watch it
- My units are fragile and leadership is low, so I have to be careful with my units
- On the other hand, if I'm worried about a leader dying, I can send in some chaff to die to cause a rout and save them to fight another day
-I'm really enjoying this system and the Skaven, so I think I'll stick with them for the campaign

-The Space Dinosaur 


  1. Great looking game SD, and great win for you. Sounds like you are getting to grips with the pro's and cons of the Skaven quickly which will benefit you in a long campaign. I can see you have already started painting so will look forward to seeing that develop.

    1. Thanks! Yep, got some older models that are already painted but need to be rebased and some newer ones that are finally getting a coat of paint. I'll have a post about them in the near future hopefully.

  2. it is a nice looking table. how big is the playing field in Mord? Like in a lot of multiplayer free for all battle, if you can hang back a little it often works out to your advantage. I've never been able to manage it. 😁
    Now you're gonna go into the campaign in the top seed position!

    1. Seems to vary between groups, you get 3x3 and then 4x4, and sometimes a rectangular board from Warcry/Killteam.
      Wasn't my intent but it worked out that way, but honestly I think I'm just burning all of my luck before I even get out the gate haha.

  3. Good looking table and I always fancied going for Skaven, they're just great fun!
    Best Iain caveadsum1471

    1. Thanks Iain! Using my friends terrain here, so can't take the credit for that one but I do own a lot of the same buildings. The Skaven have proven to be so fun, glad I chose them.
