Age of Sigmar Deathrattle marching across swamps

Age of Sigmar Deathrattle marching across swamps

Gaming | The Mordheim Finale

The warbands have all grown mighty in the last few weeks, and so we look to bring this open campaign to a close. Mostly because now we know who the main core of players are, and so we can start a proper map campaign. But also for the fun of it and as a chance for everyone to try new warbands! And what better way to close it off than with a 4 player free-for-all winner-takes-all deathmatch. 


The table setup was a square battlefield, with warbands in each corner: the Skaven in one, with Ostlanders to the left and Witch Hunters to the right, and the Cult of the Possessed directly opposite. No one declared any allegiances, and we got right into it. My strategy at this point was to not play the Skaven as I had been the whole campaign, opting to go for aggressive instead of cagey. If I lost a member of the warband, so be it, it wouldn't effect any future games. 


Which means I made a beeline for the Witch Hunters. The Cult of the Possessed also had the same idea, so the poor Witch Hunters took a bit of a beating right from go. I would feel bad, but it was going to happen to someone, and as is Skaven fashion, I made sure it happened to someone else. 


Unfortunately for me, there was some swamp in my way, which cut my movement in half. Not wanting to get plinked at, I had to slowly move around buildings trading fire, which meant I got into the fight later than I wanted. 


By that point the Witch Hunters were properly sandwhiched against my Skaven and the Possessed, which meant that we started attacking each other in a melee swirl. 


Which meant that the Ostlanders, sneaky bastards, could get on top of the platform in the middle and start throwing damage into my army. By now I really needed to start putting the hurt on other warbands, but Pawgrit, my reliable sorcerer, rolled a 6 for his spell 4 times in a row, never getting it to cast. Which really sucks, because there were ample opportunities for it to do some serious damage. Ah well, I guess my rolls had to average at some point. 


This meant that my other units had to take up the slack. The Rat Ogre was really putting in some work, and my Assassin adept was starting to chew through models. Even the Giant Rats were getting in on the action, absolutely terrorizing a poor Witch Hunter. Things were looking up for Marshall and his merry band of rodents. 

Until my Black Skaven took an absolute crit to the face and died. This pushed me past the 25% warband loss point, and I now had to roll leadership. I could only keep it up for one turn, as my max bravery is 7. And so my warband was the first to rout, right when I was in a position to capitalize on some tasty positioning. And so the Skaven, scourge of the game, were out in 4th place. The Osterlanders decided to pack it up immediately after I folded, then the Witch Hunters. We ended up with a Cult of the Possessed victory! 

This was a very fun game. The results seemed clear from the start that the Witch Hunters wouldn't survive, but they held till the very end. I very much enjoyed the campaign, and I'm scheming to use the Restless Dead warband next. I did roll to see who survived. Most escaped unscathed, with 2 Verminkin biting the dust. The Black Skaven who got annihilated became blinded in one eye, as is deserved for his failure. I'll keep the list handy in case I ever pull these guys out of retirement. 

-The Space Dinosaur


  1. Sounds like a fun way to end the campaign. Too bad you went out first but it had to happen to somebody.

    1. Yeah it was a really great time despite the ending. Eh it's very Skaven at the end of the day.

  2. Fantastic conclusion to the campaign SD, looked like you were heading for a win early on, but not to be unfortunately. Look forward to seeing your next list, and their adventures.

    1. Yeah we all had a great time of it, but the dice are fickle haha. Me too, curious to see where it will go.

  3. Sounds like great fun, I guess your luck had to run out at sometime but as you say a very Skaven result to end the campaign!
    Best Iain

    1. Thanks Iain, it had to at some point, should have saved some of it for the finale haha.
