Age of Sigmar Deathrattle marching across swamps

Age of Sigmar Deathrattle marching across swamps

Gaming | Mordheim Map Campaign

The next Mordheim campaign has begun in my group! Now that we have the basics down, we're going a little fancier with this one. Now we're trying the map campaign from the book, and we have to take control of territories to gain bonuses. So off the Restless Dead go with zombies and skeletons in tow to further some eldritch end of the big liche in charge, who is still nameless because I'm terrible with names. 


As I said, this is a map campaign, so territories play a role here. My warband came in through the south gate of the city, but was paired up with 2 other players to fight over the remains of the Great Library. 

I was to fight the Gunnery School of Nuln, a human warband with a focus on, you guessed it, guns, and a standard Undead warband lead by a vampire. Some dreaded undead on undead violence. Charges would be minimal in this game for the humans, what with the ridiculous amount of fear on models in the game. The scenario we played was Wyrdstone hunt, but only two tokens would be in play. 


The battlefield was cluttered as usual, with one token set at ground level, and the other at the very top of the ruins. This was a ploy by the Undead player, who's deployment was between myself and the Nuln player, to try to get as to race towards each other. In a way it worked, but since most of my warband can't run, it just meant that the shooting faction got to set up a defensive barrier within the structure, which would prove to be brutal.


My warband is a Liche (the leader), a Necromancer, 3 Grave Guard, 2 skeletons, 3 zombies, and 2 wights. The warband is more or less WYSIWYG, minus the shields on the Grave Guard and the weapon on the Liche, who is not allowed to wield anything non-magical. 


Off I went then to my death (or is it second death?), slowly trundling my way towards the center of the table. This basically went as any horror movie would, with the heroes plinking away at the horde of zombies and skeletons. On the other side of the table, the Undead were apprehensive in committing their forces, so I was able to kill two of the over-exposed dregs. 


In the meantime I as slowly fighting my way up with some lucky kills. I had managed to breach onto the top floor to try to contest the token, but I was blocked by the plucky heroes, who my henchmen could not adequately deal with. It was a heroic effort on their part, but they lacked the weapon skill to do any consistent damage. It was down to fishing for 6's to hopefully get some crits in, but the dice were not in my favor. 


I managed to surround the enemy vampire and kill it with 3 skeletons and a grave guard, which caused that warband to break and run. With my second front dealt with, I tried to outflank the Nuln warband, but some choke points meant my thrust was blocked. The fight devolved into a melee, and all the while I was taking fire and losing models. 


With a resounding crack my wight went down, and I my warband was broken, forced to retreat from the area. The library was in the hands of Nuln. Luckily for me, none of my models was permanently injured. In fact, my necromancer was left with hideous scars that gave him Fear, so now all of the models in the warband cause fear, which is convenient for me. Ironically, the Nuln player lost a hero that his earnings would have to go to to replace. I don't recall how the post-game went for the Undead player.

All-in-all I had a great game. I'm used to the speedy shenanigans of the Skaven, so the slow, methodical pace of the Restless Dead is quite a change. We'll see if I manage to get the warband working. 

-The Space Dinosaur


  1. looks like a fun campaign. your miniatures look really good.
    There's got to be a liche / undead name generator online somewhere...😁

    1. thanks Stew, that's a good idea I'll take a look and see what I can find!

  2. Not a disastrous start, and could have been a lot worse, and sounds like even the winner, didn't get away unscathed. I can't remember is there any flight based model available to your list ? this could give you a much needed speed element.

    1. yes it didn't turn out terribly for me, I got enough gold to make it worth my while and punched the nose of the winner. I don't think so, but the scarecrow might help me add some speed to the warband, we'll see what I can do with some more gold
