Age of Sigmar Deathrattle marching across swamps

Age of Sigmar Deathrattle marching across swamps

Hobby | Totally not a Paladin for D&D

Recently I’ve been painting up lots of Skaven for Mordheim, and that's meant that I've had a lot of reds and blacks and cream colors left on my palette. I also had this guy sitting around half painted, and guess what? The paint recipe calls for lots of reds and blacks and creams. Huzzah for efficiency! 

Painted Stormcast Eternals Knight Relictor

Why do you not just use the excess paint on the rest of the Skaven warband you may ask? Surely it would be even more efficient? And you'd be right, but for the simple fact of I couldn't be bothered to prime them at the moment. Availability is a quality all it's own sometimes. 

Painted Stormcast Eternals Knight Relictor

This particular dude is a Knight Relictor of the Stormcast Eternals in Thunderstrike armor. Yes it's a mouthful, no, I don't use the full title. GW has a tendency to overdo the naming. For those in 40K, he's basically a lower-ranking chaplain. 

Painted Stormcast Eternals Knight Relictor

Nice and simple paint job, very clean when compared to the recent Skaven. I do quite like the newer Thunderstrike sculpts when compared to the older, chunky Stormcast. They have a little bit more detail on them, so just a tad bit more painting time, but not enough to really worry me. 

Painted Stormcast Eternals Knight Relictor

This was a nice break from the Skaven, but there'll be more of those sneaky little rodents soon.

-The Space Dinosaur


  1. Great work SD, not a range I'm particularly familiar with, but you've done an excellent job on it.

  2. nice job! it's nice to be efficient but not too efficient. good paint job. this guy is typical GW over the top in all ways but still all comes together. 😁

    1. thanks! crazy that this isn't even as over the top as it gets haha

  3. Excellent looking GW cleric!
    Best Iain caveadsum1471
