Age of Sigmar Deathrattle marching across swamps

Age of Sigmar Deathrattle marching across swamps

Gaming | The Ambush

We had something of a bye week to let everyone get a break, but the action has returned to Mordheim! This time we have my Skaven facing off against some Witch Hunters in a game that was... unfortunately one sided. 


We rolled for the ambush scenario, where one warband starts with a random selection of their models in the center, while some will come in at later turns, and the other warband attacking with all of its models from a random board edge. If we had read the rules correctly, we would have realized that the stronger warband should have been the one getting ambushed. But we didn't, and I thought it would be more thematic to have the Skaven ambushing the unaware humans. 


It quickly turned into something of a slaughter, as all 14 members of the warband picked off the stragglers before anyone could make their way to each other. Some absolutely wicked rolls for Warpfire helped seal the deal, and my sorcerer has become something of a plague upon society. His name is now Pawgrit the Scorched.

We both had a good game of it and the Witch Hunter player was a good sport. The after action had me abducting one of his warband members where I could either ransom them or send them off to slavery. I decided to ransom for a measly 25 gold, which will help keep the Witch Hunters in the game and focused on getting goodies instead of always replacing characters. 

Not to be too nice, I did make enough to afford a Rat Ogre...

-The Space Dinosaur


  1. Wow that was a slaughter, but Skaven with a moral compass, there has to be a sneaky reason behind this ! LOL The addition of a Rat Ogre will add some much needed muscle to the band.

    1. Haha well maybe so in the future I can keep farming XP! yes, although I'm worried he'll die the first time and that'll be 200+ gold down the drain

  2. campaigns with warband advancement can result in one sided games, though it usually takes some time. Course that is part of the fun.
    besides that was totally thematic. Humans don't ambush rats except with cunning traps.

    1. Yeah but I'm starting to steam roll some opponents, so I may let this warband sit for a bit til some others catch up. Which means start a new warband!
      and exactly, would have been a weird situation regardless.

  3. Sounds like a good result but you have to keep everyone else onside and of course the opportunity to start a new warband is not to be ignored!
    Best Iain

    1. Yep! We actually just wrapped up the campaign so it looks like it'll be time for a new warband!
