Age of Sigmar Deathrattle marching across swamps

Age of Sigmar Deathrattle marching across swamps

Review | Space Dinosaur Miniatures 2022 and a Look Forward to 2023

Another year gone by and here we are at the end, which means it's time for the annual Year In Review for the Space Dinosaur Miniatures. This has been a good year, with Covid waning allowing for more activities, but I still got a good amount of minis done. 

Painted Age of Sigmar Armies

Last year, I finished about 130 minis, but this year I got just a touch over 150 done, so I'm happy to be consistent with this number. At this rate, I will have all of my armies painted in 10 years.... Referring to my Excel hobby tracker, let's see how I did. 

Hobby Tracker 2021

Hobby Tracker 2022

The biggest differences from 2021 to 2022 are the separation and additions of certain armies. I took the dwarfs out from my human Cities of Sigmar list and made them their own entry. The Sylvaneth are new to the party and have a nice 1000 point pool to play with. Doesn't look like much has changed, but that's because the progress is spread around over so many armies. I did manage to get my Slaves to Darkness army to have no red, which means every model is either completed or a work in progress. Anyways, on the the individual armies.

Stormcast Eternals Paint Scheme

The chunky Stormcast got 3 Prosecutors, 2 Knight Vexillors, and a lone Sequitor added to the painted roster. The Sequitor is here to finally fill out a unit of 10, since the Soul Wars box came with such a weird number of models for that unit. 

Chaos Furies Paint Scheme

Untamed Beasts Paint Scheme

The Slaves to Darkness got all Warcry units this year, the Chaos Furies and the Untamed Beasts. I am particularly proud of the Untamed Beasts warband, and they may be some of my favorite miniatures of the year. 

Nighthaunt Paint Scheme

For the Nighthaunt I painted 4 Myrmourn Banshees and a mini I'm using as a proxy for the Knight of Shrouds

Cities of Sigmar Paint Scheme

The Cities of Sigmar got some reinforcements from Ebay in the form of 3 Demigryph Knights, and I painted up some older, 6th Edition Warhammer Fantasy Handgunners. 

Cities of Sigmar Paint Scheme

The other Cities of Sigmar army, this time in the form of (A)Elves, got a unit of 10 Swordsmasters from the Spire of Dawn/Island of Blood starter set. 

Seraphon Paint Scheme

Next up are the best army ever, the Seraphon. I got a lot more done than last year, with 10 converted Chameleon Skinks, 15 rebased Saurus Warriors, and a Skink Chief on Terradon, which is a classic Oldhammer mini. With the recent tease from Games Workshop of new Seraphon, 2023 might be the year of the dino. But so was 2022, since they got the most of any of my armies this year. The Space Dino likes his dinos. 

Soulblight Gravelords Paint Scheme

The Soulblight Gravelords got the second most of any army this year. Cursed City had a decent turnout, with Gorslav the Gravekeeper and 6 Bat Swarms joining the army. The bat theme continued with 3 Fell Bats and then the animal theme continued with 5 Direwolves. Pretty good all things considered, especially since this year didn't have as much of a Spooktober presence as usual. 

Bretonnia Paint Scheme

Even Bretonnia got a good showing this year. King Louen Leoncoeur was joined by 10 men-at-arms to round out the force. I always think I'm not going to do anything for this army, but it has a way of attracting my attention. 

Skaven Paint Scheme

The Skaven got a boatload of new models this year from the Echoes of Doom box, but I just got these 4 Jezzails an 10 Plague Monks finished. I also finished the 3 spells from the Warplightning Storm done, but I forgot to include those in this family portrait. 

Idoneth Deepkin Paint Scheme

The experimentation for my Idoneth Deepkin army began, and I think I have a good lock on it now. Just 2 heroes this year, the Soulrender and Tidecaster. I did go back and add stripes to the Tidecaster's companion, and I think it looks much better. 

Kruleboyz Paint Scheme

Last but not least, some of the models from the Age of Sigmar 3rd Edition launch box, the Kruleboyz. I got a unit of 10 Gutrippaz and a Belcha-banna done. 

Fantasy Wargaming Terrain

On the non-army side of things, I painted lots of terrain. The platforms that have been showing up throughout the photos were made with some Dungeons & Lasers tiles, and I built them in this post. The two minis above are from Reaper Miniatures and they were some nice breaks in between painting all of the other minis. 

If you made it down this far, thanks for reading! I've enjoyed the blogging this year and I'm looking forward to doing more and better things in 2023. I think my favorite models that I painted were the Untamed Beasts. They just came out looking really good, and I put a lot of effort into them. What were your favorite minis in 2022?

As for 2023, obviously I plan to keep painting minis. On other fronts, I've had a mind in dabbling in game design, maybe making a little skirmish game to use some of my non-GW minis in. Part of me also wants to write a fantasy book, but that's my ambitious side talking. 

This is it for the year, I'll see you all in 2023!

-The Space Dinosaur

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