Get your brushes and clippers, and welcome to the Space Dinosaur Hobby Table, where I cover what I've completed recently in the Age of Sigmar hobby, along with my thoughts on the sculpts, how easy they're to paint, and any tips or tricks I can pass on to make your life easier. Today's post will cover Stormcast Eternals Retributors.
Age of Sigmar Deathrattle marching across swamps
Review: Epic Encounters Caverns of the Frost Giant
Welcome to another review here on the Space Dinosaur, where I'll take a deep dive into a product, game, or technique and offer my opinions and recommendations. Today's topic is Epic Encounters: Caverns of the Frost Giant, made by Steamforged Games. It's marketed as a small adventure in a box, and is actually the boss encounter for an earlier box but can still be used in a standalone fashion.
Tutorial: How to Make Crate Stack Scatter Terrain for Wargames or Dungeon Dressing
Curious as to to how I build some of my Age of Sigmar terrain pieces, convert models, or how I plan armies and paint schemes? Then welcome to the Space Dinosaur Tutorials, where I teach you how I do what I do. This tutorial covers some really easy to make scatter terrain, piles of crates and sacks.
Happy Birthday! Revamped Space Dinosaur Miniatures Turns 1!
Another turn around the sun and this blog has achieved its first year after its revamp in April 2020. While the blog has been around since 2016, it never has survived more than a few months of posting (2016 had a total of 8 posts). It took a global pandemic and time on my hands in a lockdown for the blog to kick into its first year of real content. Almost 70 articles later, Space Dinosaur Minis is celebrating its first birthday, which also happens to coincide with the author's own birthday, although it is far from his first of those!
After all that time, let's take a quick look at how far the blog has come, looking at some of the best posts from each month.
April 2020:
May 2020:
June 2020:
July 2020:
August 2020:
Narrative: The Kingdom of Heldenmarch: My very first narrative post covering the home brew lore of one of my armies. Wildly popular, and still to this day has the 3rd most views of any of my articles. First time using a diorama background, which is now standard for the Space Dino.
September 2020:
Paint Recipe: Amber Fiefdoms: The quietest month of the year with only 2 posts. This was my attempt at using white backgrounds to photograph minis before I decided it looked boring.
October 2020:
Narrative: The Tragedy of Ravenmarch: My first themed month, based on Halloween. I had lots of fun with this month, and produced the second of my narrative series focused on one of my armies.
November 2020:
Gaming Table: Thanksgiving Free-for-all: I really enjoyed this game with my brothers, and due to Covid this was one of the few Gaming Table posts of the year. Hopefully this year there will be a few more of these.
December 2020:
Review: Space Dinosaur Miniatures: This post looked back at everything I had painted in 2020 an boy was it a lot. It felt really nice to see all of my progress in one picture, and I think this year I can beat it.
January 2021:
Tutorial: How to Make a Photo Booth: Here I design a new photo booth system that allows me to take nice mini photos with interesting backgrounds. From here on out all non-wip photos use this booth so I got a lot out of this project. It's also my number 2 most popular post.
February 2021:
Gaming Table: Dragon of Icespire Peak: I love this post as it combines my love of stories with Age of Sigmar using the 5th Edition D&D rules. Plus I got to play with my brothers again.
March 2021:
Narrative: Understanding the Mortal Realms: Now for the last post of the first year, my most popular by a long shot, my explanation of how the Mortal Realms work in simple language. I'm very proud of this one as I designed it to meet a need I saw in the community.
Which brings us now to the present, April 2021. Here's to another good year and I hope you're all enjoying my content! If you have any suggestions please feel free to comment below or send me an email, I'm happy to help.
-The Space Dinosaur
Hobby Table: Idoneth Deepkin Gloomtide Shipwreck
Get your brushes and clippers, and welcome to the Space Dinosaur Hobby Table, where I cover what I've completed recently in the Age of Sigmar hobby, along with my thoughts on the sculpts, how easy they're to paint, and any tips or tricks I can pass on to make your life easier. Today's post will cover the Idoneth Deepkin faction terrain, the Gloomtide Shipwreck. Stick around until the end for a quick review of the model.