Age of Sigmar Deathrattle marching across swamps

Age of Sigmar Deathrattle marching across swamps

Tutorial: How to Make Crate Stack Scatter Terrain for Wargames or Dungeon Dressing

Curious as to to how I build some of my Age of Sigmar terrain pieces, convert models, or how I plan armies and paint schemes? Then welcome to the Space Dinosaur Tutorials, where I teach you how I do what I do. This tutorial covers some really easy to make scatter terrain, piles of crates and sacks. 

Wargame Scatter Terrain

Before anyone asks: I don't make the individual components by scratch, unless you count using Hirst Arts Molds. I have neither the time nor the patience to make what's cheaply and readily available. Over the years, collecting terrain from Ebay and game stores, I've gathered a lot of individual odds and ends, which would be annoying to set up one by one in my games. To make the process faster, I combined them into "units" that I can quickly set on the battlefield. 

How to make scatter terrain

You'll need your crates, barrels, sacks and whatever else you have lying around, and some thin cardboard you get from cereal packaging. First, gather all of your components, and start grouping them ontop of the cardboard, and arrange them until you're happy with the look. Then, one component at a time, glue them to the cardboard with superglue. One dry, cut the rough shape out with scissors and then refine the edges with an Xacto knife. 

How to make scatter terrain

I made about 4 piles of scatter, and they can all interlock together to make one big pile. I chose to not paint the individual items since a lot of parts would be hidden by other items, but your mileage may vary. 

How to make scatter terrain

How to make scatter terrain

Now all that's left is to paint them as you see fit. I used cheap craft paint as I didn't want to waste my nicer paints and it did the trick. Now my players can have some nice bundles of dungeon dressing to dig through to find treasures. Enjoy the gallery from here on out. 

-The Space Dinosaur

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