Here we have the paint recipe that I used to paint the set's Raptoryx, weird hybrids of turkey and dinosaur. They can be captured in a Warcry campaign to become a part of your warband, and in Age of Sigmar games they can be a part of a Slaves to Darkness army.
In my own home cooked lore, they aren't necessarily creatures of chaos. They live high in the mountains, and members of the various Skal tribes will capture them as part of a coming of age ritual, and mark them with metal ringlets before releasing them as proof of their deeds.
Step 1: The wings
As always, the miniature is primed with Vallejo Grey. This is especially important for several parts of this miniature as it helps the brighter colors maintain their vibrancy.
- Basecoat the wings with Hydra Turquoise
- Wash the entire wing with Green Tone. Dry between steps.
- Wash only the top set of feathers with Blue Tone. Dry between steps.
- In a thin line where the arm joins the wings wash again with Blue Tone. Dry between steps
- Gently dry brush with Hydra Turquoise mixed with Matt White. This should be very subtle.
- Go over the dry brush with Green Tone again to blend all of the colors together.

Step 2: The Body
- Base the lower half of the body with Desert Yellow
- Base the top half of the body with Uniform Grey
- Base the frills with a 90/10 mix of Chaotic Red and Matt Black.
- Drybrush the frills with Chaotic Red
- Wash the lower half of the body with a 50/50 mix of Agrax Earthshade and Red Tone
- Wash the upper half of the body with several coats of Dark Tone

Step 3: Detailing
- Beak/Feet: Base with Flash Gitz Yellow then wash with Casandora Yellow
- Spines: Base with Flayed One Flesh then wash with Agrax Earthshade
- Eyes/Tongue: Base with Moot Green
- Rings: Base with Gun Metal then was with Dark Tone
Step 4: Basing
- Paint the texture with any dark grey craft paint you have handy. I use the cheap stuff to save on costs since it covers a much larger area
- Paint the trim with Uniform Grey
- Add snow texture. Mine is from Michael's craft store but you can use Citadel or Army Painter products, whatever you have on hand
- And that's it! You have a completed Raptoryx, now just five more to go!
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