Age of Sigmar Deathrattle marching across swamps

Age of Sigmar Deathrattle marching across swamps

Hobby Table: Seraphon Astrolith Bearer

This weekend's output saw the completion of a Seraphon Astrolith Bearer, a useful unit in the army that comes as a Finecast kit from Games Workshop. I like the look of the official sculpt, but I didn't feel like forking over the cash for the one model. I had some spare metal Temple Guard Command models from way back when, and I also recently purchased the excellent Lizardmen Blood Bowl kit for the new Saurus warrior sculpts. The kit also comes with turn markers that would work perfectly for what I had in mind.

Age of Sigmar Seraphon Astrolith Bearer

The conversion was super simple, literally only requiring me to super glue the token on the already existing banner. This had the added benefit of hiding the Blood Bowl logo on the back of the banner, meaning that I wouldn't have to waste time cutting it out.

Age of Sigmar Seraphon Astrolith Bearer

From there the painting is fairly simple, following the standard Seraphon/Lizardmen scheme (besides, blue is my favorite color). 
  • Body: Crystal Blue base followed by a Blue Tone wash with an Electric Blue Highlight. The scales along the spine are then given another wash with Dark Tone to deepen the color.
  • Armor: Retributor Gold base with an Agrax Earthshade wash.
  • Rope: Necrotic Flesh base washed with Green Tone. I like to think that the Seraphon use plant matter for a lot of their ropes and such.  
  • Stone: Uniform Grey washed with Dark Tone then dry brush with Ash Grey. The face of the Astrolith was lightly drybrushed with Retributor Gold.
  • Feathers: The two outer feathers are Pure Red and Red Tone, the inner feather is a Moot Green base washed with Green Tone. 
  • Banner Pole: Army Green base washed in bands with Green Tone to imitate a bamboo pole. 
Age of Sigmar Seraphon Astrolith Bearer
  • Shield: Pure Red base washed with Red Tone. The top of each scale is highlighted with another coat of Pure Red and the bottom of each scale is darkened further with Agrax Earthshade. 
  • Talisman: Plate Mail Metal base washed with Dark Tone.
  • Bone: Flayed One Flesh base washed with Soft Tone. This is also used for the teeth and claws of the Saurus. 
  • Base: Start with a deep brown craft paint over sandy texture and let dry. In patches, glue dried tea leaves to the base to simulate a jungle floor. Finally, flock with green static grass. The rim is painted black. 
Age of Sigmar Seraphon Astrolith Bearer

Hope that was helpful!

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