Age of Sigmar Deathrattle marching across swamps

Age of Sigmar Deathrattle marching across swamps

Hobby Table: The Rest of the Gloomspite Gitz

I've finished painting the rest of my little goblins using the paint scheme I covered in a previous post, and I'm pleased with how they've all turned out. In total, the Warhammer Underworlds kit comes with nine models: Zarbag himself, a squiq herder with two squigs, three shootas, a netter, and a fanatic.

Interestingly, this covers a decent chunk of a Warcry warband as well. For even more bang for your buck, they can be played as a unit in Age of Sigmar proper.

Enough background, onto the models then!

Gloomspite Gitz Squig handler with squigs

The squig herder was fairly simple, requiring just a couple extra things from the Zarbag paint recipe:
  • Armor: Warlock Bronze base, Shining Silver Highlight
  • Gloves: Thin coat of Chaotic Red, letting the grey primer show through to create easy highlights
  • Coals: Dragon Red base washed with Dark Tone
  • Smoke: A wash mixed from 3 parts Purple Tone to 1 part Dark Tone
The squigs are, again, super simple. Starting from my standard Vallejo grey base:
  • Top Hide: Dragon Red base washed with Agrax Earthshade
  • Belly skin: A Soft Tone wash over the grey primer
  • Teeth: Standard Grey base with a Flesh Tone wash

Gloomspite Gitz Shootas

Continuing the trend of simple schemes, the shootas didn't require any new steps that I haven't shown, so just enjoy their manic adorableness. 

Gloompsite Gitz fanatic, netter

And finally we have the fanatic and the netter. 

For the fanatic, extra steps include:
  • Ball and chain: Shining Silver base washed with a 50/50 mix of Dark Tone and Agrax Earthshade
  • Vial: Shining Silver with Brass Scorpion detailing. Purple Tone is used to give the illusion of liquid inside the vial
  • Liquid: Alien Purple
  • Cork: Desert Yellow with Agrax Earthshade wash
Just a note, I love the little crushed grot on the base, really gives a cheeky feel to the model that makes me happy. 

The netter doesn't really have anything you haven't seen before either, so he'll just sit next to his mushroom-addled kin. 

With the steps provided, maybe you should give this Warhammer Underworlds kit a try, it's a super fun set to paint.

Have fun!

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