Continuing the Chaos trend from last post, I finished painting the five Chaos Knights that came in the original Start Collecting - Slaves to Darkness box. This marks the first time that I've completed one of these boxes, and combined with the fact that I finished the Khorne half of the first Age of Sigmar starter set, Chaos seems to be the army of completion for me.
Age of Sigmar Deathrattle marching across swamps
Hobby Table: Chaos Warriors
Today's post is a quick one, covering the completion of a unit of Chaos Warriors. Now that work is starting to pick up again, I have less time to hobby and write, but I will do my best to stick to at least a post a week. Anyways, back to it.
Hobby Table: Glaivewraith Stalkers and Liberators
Although I have an established paint scheme for my Nighthaunt models, it initially didn't start out that way.
In my need to have a "unique" color scheme, I went for an odd combination of purples and blues (Skeletor intensifies). I have now gone back to those first models, the Glaivewraith Stalkers, and given them a much needed update.
Hobby/Gaming Table: Seraphon Salamanders and Skirmish Continued
The Seraphon hobby continues, this time with more fire-belching lizards. Salamanders are older sculpts, so much so that mine are metal. With a decent paint job they look all right, although I will say that they aren't my favorite. They were recently buffed to quite an extent in the newest Seraphon battletome, but as my group is playing skirmish at the moment I haven't been able to field them yet.
Narrative: The Kingdom of Heldenmarch - Lore and Rules for Play
Today's post is the first in a new series that covers the lore of one of my armies that I use to play in Age of Sigmar. I have done something similar in the past, but much of that lore has been developed in the years since, so now I can do the concept justice.
Although the models are from Age of Sigmar, the lore has taken on a life of its own, with some liberties taken here and there. You could always consider the Silverlight Region to be a pocket realm in the grander Age of Sigmar scheme, which would help explain why some names carried over (cough Heldenmarch cough). I want the feeling of the Old World mixed with Age of Sigmar, so this is the result.

Hobby Table: Ravenack's Gnashing Jaws and Suffocating Gravetide
Since I've been focusing on my Seraphon recently for gaming purposes now that things are ramping back up, I've done a bit more work on the endless spells since my favorite dinos can take them in "bound" forms. Plus it's just nice to knock out a model in an afternoon.
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