Age of Sigmar Deathrattle marching across swamps

Age of Sigmar Deathrattle marching across swamps

Narrative: Silverlight Map Second Edition

A while back on this blog I made a post about my home-brew lore for my Age of Sigmar miniatures and games that I set in the Silverlight Realm. I have very much enjoyed updating the map and lore as time has progressed, and I have now developed what I call the second edition map, along with new lore to match.

The Silverlight Sea and surrounding land masses. 

Some regions have been renamed, entire countries have relocated and some new ones have emerged as my collection grows. To leave room for continued growth, I've left some blank spaces on the map. We'll see what eventually will fill them but at the moment I am in no rush. This was all hand drawn, and the occasional ink smear is clearly visible but I am happy with it as is.

A big part of the appeal of creation this lore is getting the Warhammer Fantasy Battle Old World feel into Age of Sigmar. I love the current lore but sometimes I want places and characters with a deep history to draw from. A lot of the paint schemes and basing decisions I've made are derived from this map and how I think its inhabitants would interact.

There will be future blog posts filling in details for the different countries (in fact there have already been two, but parts have been "retconned"). These will include history, key figures, traditions, and even rules to fight in those areas. I used to tie in my lore more directly with Age of Sigmar, such as setting a realm and having a history corresponding to the Ages of Myth, Chaos, and Sigmar, but I felt that this hampered my creative freedom so I have since abandoned that. Some lore may seem familiar, and my intent is not to steal from anyone. Something about imitation is the sincerest form of flattery and so on.

You may have also noticed that the labels to the right of the blog sometimes include names such as Heldenmarch or Ravenmarch, and these correspond to countries on the map. Whenever I make a new post, I will label my lore as well as what they are in Age of Sigmar, eg Heldenmarch = Cities of Sigmar. This should make navigating easier and provide clear parallels between the two universes.

Finally, a big part of this revamped lore is that I hope to create custom battle plans and scenarios for play using locations and traditions from my world. Of course these can be adapted back to Age of Sigmar, but if you like what my world offers then feel free to use it as well!

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