Age of Sigmar Deathrattle marching across swamps

Age of Sigmar Deathrattle marching across swamps

Gaming | The Wishing Well

In the first game of the year on the Space Dinosaur, we have a game of Age of Sigmar, but in the Skirmish variety. So I loaded up the table with tons of terrain and we all got to playing! The objective: gather coins around the table and get them into the well at the center of the map. 

Age of Sigmar Skirmish

This was a three player game played over 6 rounds of combat. To keep things simple, we had normal alternating turn orders and used the old Skirmish ruleset with 50 renown to each player. 6 coins were spread around the table, 2 by each of the players so long as they weren't too close to the starting positions. The goal was to be thematic and interesting, so some gold was put in interesting locations. Once a unit picked up a coin, it could no longer run. The well was smack dab in the middle of the table. The terrain I used was a mixture of homemade stuff, papercraft buildings from Dave Graffam, cardstock buildings from Battle Systems, and the platforms I had built with Archon Studio's Dungeons & Lasers tiles. 

1 Warlock Engineer
1 Stormfiend with Warpfire Thrower and Orb Launcher
10 Clanrats with Rusty Weapons

Slaves to Darkness:
1 Chaos Lord
2 Marauders

2 Kurnoth Hunters with Scythes
2 Dryads

Age of Sigmar Skirmish

The Skaven won the initiative so quickly started flooding up the board. Each Clanrat was incredibly fragile, so speed was of the essence. The Stormfiend was able to take a few potshots at the Chaos Lord in the meantime thanks to it's 24" range. Chaos Knights with their speed were wicked fast, but for narrative reasons we agreed that they could only go up the platforms via ramps. In hindsight, this was rather limiting and an encumbrance to the Chaos player who should have gotten more points or been allowed to choose other units. Ah well. 

Age of Sigmar Skirmish

Age of Sigmar Skirmish

Age of Sigmar Skirmish

The Sylvaneth began to move in from their edge of the board, picking up two coins along the way. The Skaven were able to capitalize on two coins, with two Clanrats dodging past a Chaos Knight to slam dunk the coins into the well. Of course that left them incredibly vulnerable and they died immediately after, but c'est la vie. 

Age of Sigmar Skirmish

Age of Sigmar Skirmish

Age of Sigmar Skirmish

A melee broke out in the middle of the table, with a Kurnoth Hunter absolutely eviscerating a Clanrat and a Marauder. A Chaos Knight was able to land the killing blow on the Warlock Engineer before getting clobbered by the Stormfiend. Sneakily, two intrepid Clanrats climbed high above the scrap to lay claim to another coin. And perhaps to admire the view. 

Age of Sigmar Skirmish

Age of Sigmar Skirmish

After some more fighting that saw a Clanrat lay a Dryad low, a Chaos Warrior running from a Stormfiend, and the Kurnoths continuing to blenderize, the game drew to a close as the sixth round wrapped up. The Skaven were able to squeak by with a win, getting two coins into the well. 

We all had a blast with this game, as it had quite a few memorable moments and just some funny situations, like little Skaven Clanrats scurrying above hulking Chaos Knights, out of reach on the bridge. There were some balance issues with the Skirmish format, as anything with reliable magic or range were simply oppressive, and the amount of bodies that Skaven could muster just meant the other players didn't have enough attacks to deal with them all. Definitely very swarm-y in keeping with their lore though. Still a great time though! 

-The Space Dinosaur


  1. great looking table with all the terrain, and that's a cool scenario idea. Hooray for you for playing a game as well. 😀

    1. Thanks it was a blast! Lol it's about time I get one in.
