Age of Sigmar Deathrattle marching across swamps

Age of Sigmar Deathrattle marching across swamps

Space Din-O-Pinions | A Troll Bridge too Far and Hobby Palette Cleansers (Reaper Miniatures Bones V)

Welcome to Space Din-O-pinions where I ramble about my incoherent thoughts in the wargame hobby. Today we leave the realm of units into the land of terrain with a very simple model: a bridge. And, as a bonus, I talk about why models like this are such a joy to have in the hobby.

Troll Bridge

This particular model came from the excellent Reaper Miniatures Bones V Kickstarter. It was part of the Troll Bridge encounter set, which came with the eponymous bridge, a troll model, with a land and water variant, a troll nest, a shepherd, and 3 billy goats. As you may have noticed, I have only painted the bridge. At the time of working on this, I had just come off of painting a bunch of plague monks, some heroes, and various units, so I needed a break from detailed paint work. Terrain is always something of a good pallet cleanser, and so here we are: a bridge. 

Troll Bridge

Are bridges the most interesting things to paint or to look at on a blog? Well, no, not really. But, I think something so simple solves other problems, like hobby burnout. Sometimes you just need a quick victory, an easy win against that pile of gray shame that never seems to get any smaller (or always seems to be growing). Perhaps, models like this can serve as a bridge (I'm sorry) between projects. 

Troll Bridge

One of my favorite aspects in the hobby is reading other people's blogs and seeing their progress. In a recent post over on A Terrible Loss of Lead and Wealth, Stew mentioned that bloggers will often post theses simple, almost mundane posts showing what they've painted recently, comparing it to a PB&J sandwich. Further, he suggests that we all like (unless you have a peanut allergy) a PB&J, and he's right. Sometimes you need that kind of content to keep a blog going. And I venture to say that you need that in your hobby life too. If every meal is a delicious, 5 star gourmet delight, you'll eventually get tired tired of cooking. 

Troll Bridge

In the spirit of that thought, the next couple of posts will be looking at some Reaper Miniatures terrain from the Bones V Kickstarter. I will eventually get back to those high class models, but some variety from GW is a good thing, and so is mixing up the blog content on here. 

Troll Bridge

So this is a rather long winded way of me saying go out there, slap some jelly and peanut butter on two slices of bread, stick em together, and leave that knife on the sink, because who knows, maybe you'll want to make another one again real soon.  

-The Space Dinosaur


  1. Hi Dino. Thanks for the mention. I should of worked in a peanut allergy joke into my post. Missed opportunity….
    The bridge looks cool. I do agree about needing the easy win. Sometimes it’s better just to get something done. 😀

    1. Hey no problem! Had to start the interaction you know ;) Yeah I've definitely found myself there recently, got a lot of terrain done in a short period of time.
