Age of Sigmar Deathrattle marching across swamps

Age of Sigmar Deathrattle marching across swamps

Hobby | 3-D Printed Star Wars Armada Squadrons

While November has been a slow month for me, hobby-wise, it hasn't been entirely devoid of minis. I enjoyed my foray into unofficial Star Wars Armada territory, so I gave it another go, this time with some of the squadrons: a Republic LAAT/i Gunship, Naboo N-1 Starfighters, and CIS HMP Droid Gunship. 

Custom Star Wars Armada Republic Gunship
All of these squadrons were purchases from Ebay, although you can find similar one other websites like Etsy. They're all resin 3D printed, and I think the detail is very good, especially for such a small scale. 

Custom Star Wars Armada Republic Gunship

The scale is slightly off when compared to other official squadrons though. They're a bit larger, and it took some work to get the peg to fit into the flight stand. The scale for Armada is all over the place though, so I wouldn't worry about it too much. 

Custom Star Wars Armada N-1 Starfighters

Every one of these were super fun and easy to paint. The N-1 Starfighters add a lot of color to a Republic fleet, which normally has whites and crimsons. 

Custom Star Wars Armada N-1 Starfighters

Honestly, these do make me a little sad, as I did want to see where Fantasy Flight would take this game and what else they would have added to the Clone Wars factions. Maybe AMG will pick it back up, but I highly doubt it. In the meantime, all of these will have to proxy in for something else, or I'll have to use custom rulesets. 

Custom Star Wars Armada HMP Droid Gunship

-The Space Dinosaur


  1. Great additions SD, your painting of these has made them stronger, and I think you are spot on with your assessment of how all over the place the scale was with armada, so these are still welcome additions.

    1. Thanks! Yeah, no need to fret over something so small (no pun intended) when it gives more flavor to games.
