Age of Sigmar Deathrattle marching across swamps

Age of Sigmar Deathrattle marching across swamps

Hobby | Oh Boy Not Another Game System

If you told me the next post I would have written in the sci-fi genre wasn't going to be Warhammer 40K, the game I just spent two posts talking about not too long ago, I would have been surprised. Life has a funny way of working though. I was at a Flea Market at my FLGS, selling some of my wares, when the fine fellow at the table next to me suggested a trade. And that's how I ended up with an entire Star Wars Armada fleet. 

Star Wars Armada Gozanti-class Cruiser

Star Wars is no stranger to me or this blog. In fact the very beginnings of this blog were focused on Pirates CSG and Star Wars Miniatures Game by WOTC. So I was actually very excited to jump into the game. I had seen Armada on shelves before, but it was only a passing glance. I've played X-Wing, and while I liked it, I didn't want to collect individual fighter-type models. 

Star Wars Armada Nebulon-B Frigate
Not pictured: All the little fighter-type models. 

Reading through the rules, I found that the game scratched a few itches of mine: I miss ship to ship combat from my old Pirates days, I miss Star Wars, and working at this scale is really fun. I thought it would be a little fussy to do some of the painting, but it's a lot more relaxing in a way. It also helps that models come pre-painted, so I don't have to do much work. I mostly did some washes and then added embellishments here or there. 

Star Wars Armada Nebulon-B Frigate

The Nebulon-B frigate above got an extra red racing stripe to the rear, a brighter engine color, and I added some blue to the hangar bays to represent the shielding. Of course, it also got a wash all over to highlight all of those crisp details. 

Star Wars Armada Consular-class Cruiser

This Consular-class Cruiser was covered in red paint. I am happy to report that LAs Totally Awesome does a fantastic job of removing paint while leaving the original factory paint job still there. The one downside is it removes the wash, leaving it nice and shiny. Well I did some pin washes to bring all the detail back, and for extra oomph I painted up the engines with more vibrant colors. 

Star Wars Armada Consular-class Cruiser

The Gozanti flotillas had suffered the same fate as well, so into the Totally Awesome they went. I got two of these models (they come in pairs, so I have four total), so in order to distinguish them a little better, they got not one, but two grey stripes. The epitome of fancy ship markings. I also gave the engines an extra wash to darken them a tad and make them stand out from the main ship a little more. 

Star Wars Armada Gozanti-class Cruiser

Star Wars Armada Gozanti-class Cruiser

The little engine dots got the same treatment as the Nebulon-B engines. Much better. 

Star Wars Armada Gozanti-class Cruiser

And that's just the beginning of my new Armada stuff. I have now completed my namesake, and have both space and dinosaurs. I can retire in peace if I so choose. 

-The Space Dinosaur


  1. I have YET to see dinosaurs on this blog. I've seen aliens that LOOK like dinosaurs, but no actual dinosaurs. 😀 Name sake is still in question to me. LOL

    Nice job tarting up the Armada ships. Got good results. I tried two games of armada and it was not for me, and gave away all my ships to friend....

    1. Sir, excuse me, the very mascot of this blog is a T-rex, as evidenced in my profile picture. No dinosaurs, the nerve of some people... haha

      Thanks, I'm looking at all of your spaceship posts again now to see if I can re-purpose the Trek for Wars. I do like your asteroids. What a lucky friend, it looks to be a fun game!

  2. Some great work on the ships SD, the prepaints are good, but like you I intend to add to what's existing when I move on to this size of ship and the larger ones.

    1. Thanks! You're Armada fighters look good too, especially your Millennium Falcon and Slave I.
