Age of Sigmar Deathrattle marching across swamps

Age of Sigmar Deathrattle marching across swamps

Tutorial | Solving the New Screamer-Killer's Male Pattern Baldness

The 40K hobbying has begun, and it started with the latest FOMO box, Leviathan. I'm keeping all of the Tyranids and trading away all the Space Marines for even more Tyranids because Space Marines suck and I don't like their aesthetic. But do you know who's aesthetic I like even less? The new Screamer-Killer. It looks like it needs a toupee so as not to be mercilessly mocked. And besides, I like the look of the old Carnifex kit better anyways. With the power of converting, I can have the best of both worlds! 

Tyranid Screamer Killer Conversion

Just to prove I'm not exaggerating, behold:

Tyranid Screamer Killer Conversion

If you agree with me, keep on reading. If you don't, keep on reading, I can use the readership. 

First things first, we build up the body until the step where you have to attach the head. It leaves a bit more of a hole than I wanted, so that made this process more involved than I was hoping for. Clip off all the little pegs, you won't need 'em. 

Tyranid Screamer Killer Conversion

On the right side of the model, there's this little ledge at the neckline. It doesn't really have any texture to it, so this had to go too. I used my hobby clippers and was able to get most of it off. 

Tyranid Screamer Killer Conversion

An Xacto knife will help you get it smooth, and you should end up with something like the below: 

Tyranid Screamer Killer Conversion

Now, for some stuffing. I could use lots of green stuff, but that would be expensive. Instead, I opted for cheap aluminum foil to fill the cavity. 

Tyranid Screamer Killer Conversion

At first I wanted to preserve the detail inside the top of the neck area, but I just wasn't getting the look that I wanted from that. I also didn't want to depend too much on my sculpting skills, so I had to use other parts. I had a carapace from the old Carnifex kit, and I had to do some bending and cutting to get it into place, but in the end I got there. 

Tyranid Screamer Killer Conversion

Tyranid Screamer Killer Conversion

Luckily, this left a pretty convenient area to stick the head, also from the Carnifex kit. 

Tyranid Screamer Killer Conversion

Tyranid Screamer Killer Conversion

Now that I had the basis of the model, I had to fill in all of the gaps. I used greenstuff to fill in all of the gaps and to hide the foil. I couldn't find my normal roll of Green Stuff, so I had to use the crappier liquid Green Stuff. This ended up cracking a bit after drying, so I had to get normal Green Stuff in the end anyways. 

Tyranid Screamer Killer Conversion

It was looking a little empty at this point, so I got some more bits to add some details. I think these are shoulder bits from a Hive Tyrant and Genestealers. Not super familiar with all of the kits, so if anyone can correct me please do so. 

Tyranid Screamer Killer Conversion

Tyranid Screamer Killer Conversion

Tyranid Screamer Killer Conversion

At this point he's looking pretty good. Has a nice hunched over look to it like the old plastic kit has. And I'm a much bigger fan of this head, just looks a lot nicer. 

Tyranid Screamer Killer Conversion

I also don't like the new arms, as I think they're a departure from the classic Tyranid scythed look. So I got the main scythes from a Carnifex kit and then the scythes from a Hive Tyrant kit and just glued them straight to where the arms are supposed to go. I didn't do any work to them, the ball and socket joint worked great for this. 

Tyranid Screamer Killer Conversion

Tyranid Screamer Killer Conversion

Tyranid Screamer Killer Conversion

Tyranid Screamer Killer Conversion

Tyranid Screamer Killer Conversion

And now you're done! All that's left to do is some painting. You can easily switch this up too and use any of the other weapons variants from any of the large Tyranid models. I will get a second one of these, so I might put the crushing claws on that one for some visual variety. 

Let me know what you think in the comments below! 

-The Space Dinosaur

PS. And I got a hobby bingo as I converted a model! 


  1. Great job on the conversion. Looks really seamless and ferocious. 😀
    And your crushing the hobby bingo. Maybe get a black out by the end of the year. 😀

    1. Thanks! It helps that it's a purely biological alien, any lumpiness of my sculpting I can just say are natural parts of the model haha.
      We'll see what happens, I may have just had a good surge with the first half of the year.

  2. Great looking converting, I remember when the tyranids first came out, we'd only had genestealers and zoats up until then, they were exotic and dramatic, certainly looks like you've captured the old school feel!
    Best Iain

    1. Thanks! I do like that exotic look, a nice change of pace from the rest of the 40K line in my opinion.

  3. This is a great idea - a few of us from the Woffboot blog were talking last night as someone had commented that the new head looked a bit weird and I remembered reading this article. Cheers!

    1. Awesome thanks! Great to hear it was at least memorable.
