Age of Sigmar Deathrattle marching across swamps

Age of Sigmar Deathrattle marching across swamps

Hobby | Stormcast Eternals Judicators

I don't even have much to say about these guys other than they've been the bane of my existence for the past month or so. I started painting this unit right after the Black Coach, along with a Lord Arcanum. It's been a bit since I've done any batch painting of a unit. The last time was last year in July with my Plague Monks, and let me tell you, the patience you develop with that fades quickly. 

Stormcast Eternals Judicators

In the time it took me to paint all ten of these, I painted that Lord Arcanum, bought, based and painted some Giant Rats for my Skaven, and came up with a whole color scheme for my Sylvaneth. I flirted with shelving the unit for now, but I figured I would persevere in the face of adversity. I can't truthfully say I'm happy I did, as it caused me some reluctance when it came to hobby time, but you know what, the models had to get painted, so here they are.

Stormcast Eternals Judicators

These are from way back in the Age of Sigmar First Edition days, when Stormcast were chunky and lacked robes. They're a unit of archers in full plate armor that would totally constrict their movements, but they provided some much needed range support for the army at that time. Nowadays, there's other units that fill that role, but the humble Judicator is still around. It's based on the Liberator form, which already is...not the greatest model, but does the job. I'm glad GW has moved on the thinner, more reasonable armor style of the Thunderstrike. 

Stormcast Eternals Judicators

As an aside, I forgot to mention with the Branchwych from last post that I got another hobby bingo block, the paint a model from an army you have no painted models for. 

-The Space Dinosaur


  1. I hear you. Though I’d like to think that in the long run you will be glad that you forced yourself to paint those models. as now they are done and can be used.
    But I know the feeling. I got about 6 starships on my desk that I’m making myself paint though I am ready to move on to something else. 😀

    1. I'll definitely be glad, but not for a while haha, really happy to see those get off the paint table, as I'm sure you'll feel with those starships.
