Age of Sigmar Deathrattle marching across swamps

Age of Sigmar Deathrattle marching across swamps

Gaming Table: D&D Dragon of Icespire Peak Campaign (Part 3)

Pull up a chair and roll some dice, welcome to the Space Dinosaur Gaming Table, where I cover anything from Age of Sigmar battle reports to list building ideas and everything in between. In this episode we continue the Dragon of Icespire Peak Campaign for D&D with a heavily modified Tower of Storms scenario. 

D&D Tower of Storms

Where we last left off the adventuring party had just survived a Skaven warren within the Mountain's Toe Gold Mine. After heading back home to tend to their wounds, they learned of rumors of strange creatures at the Tower of Storms, a nearby lighthouse. So off the party went to deal with whatever horrors awaited them. I modified the scenario quite a bit to allow me to use my minis and terrain in a way I wanted. I really like this aspect of D&D where you can adjust anything to match what style of game you want. 

D&D Tower of Storms

The town is built around a 3D printed lighthouse from Printable Scenery, and surrounded by paper houses from Dave Graffam on Wargame Vault. I also used some terrain from Reaper Miniature's Bones V Kickstarter, which I will review at some point in the near future. With the battlefield set, it's time to return to the story!

D&D Tower of Storms

Arriving at the town surrounding the lighthouse, they find the local militia armed and ready for battle. A strange mist had engulfed the town, and from the sea emerged the Idoneth Deepkin, strange elves that hunt for souls to replenish their own withered souls. The town militia quickly unleashed a few volleys of gun and rocket fire at the incoming Idoneth and even managed to take a few down, but not before the elves were able to make landfall. 

D&D Tower of Storms

Soon combat erupted across the board as the townsfolk and adventuring party fought for their lives. A monstrous eel ridden by a fearsome rider flew through the skies, landing amidst some swordsmen. They held valiantly, ensuring that the rest of the group was able to fight off the rest of the attacking force. Unfortunately, they were unable to resist for too long and the unit was wiped. 

D&D Tower of Storms

While the swordsmen held off the eel and it's rider, the adventuring party got to work with the infantry and mage of the Idoneth. Some archers scrambled over a market stall and took a few pot shots at Elrond, chipping away at his HP. However, a timely arcane bolt and fireblast from Tim killed off those attackers.

D&D Tower of Storms

By this point, most of the Idoneth had been killed off, and our intrepid heroes had managed to keep them out of the city square. All that was left was the mage, who was killed off by Tim and his aggressive application of his club. 

D&D Tower of Storms

All that was left at the end of the battle was to determine casualties. Elrond suffered a few wounds during the fight but was able to get away without any lasting injuries. The damage that Tim took was minimal so he too was fine. Theoden had been content to stay with the back line, and so never took any damage. Unfortunately, Marshall the Rat, our beloved companion, was laid low by a pair of Idoneth Thralls. Only time will tell if the Skaven will be vengeful over their lost clan rat...

D&D Tower of Storms

And with that our heroes have completed another mission, but at what cost? Now they must continue the rest of their adventure without their beloved pet rat. 

-The Space Dinosaur

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