Age of Sigmar Deathrattle marching across swamps

Age of Sigmar Deathrattle marching across swamps

Hobby Table: Stormcast Eternals Reinforcements

Following last post's battle, the Stormcast Eternal's have received new reinforcements for future fights. For such small scale battles, I prefer to have everything painted, which unfortunately reduces the choices players have in selecting their units. So I worked on getting a big chunk of Stormcast done. The Judicators were even finished in time to fight for Thanskgiving. 

As always, the foundation for each miniature is my basic Stormcast paint scheme, with only slight variations for each unit type. First up are a 5 man unit of Castigators... I mean Judicators. Due to the lacklusted performance of Castigators, I play these as Judicators with crossbows. I even converted one of the models to carry the massive Stormbolt crossbow. 

Next up are the Lord Arcanum on foot and the 5 man unit of Evocators. The Soul Wars box set unfortunately only came with 3 Evocators, but adding on the 2 Evocators from the Warhammer Underworlds Stormcast warband from Nightvault finished up the unit and gave me a Lord Arcanum to boot. 

I'm pleased to get so much done at once, as over the past two Hobby Table posts I've added a total of 5 different units to my painted Stormcast army. My next push will be for the Cities of Sigmar, particularly my Amber Fiefdoms and Heldenmarch armies. 

Till then, happy painting!

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