Hobby Table: Stormcast Eternals Vanguard Raptors and Aetherwings

Hello again and welcome. Unfortunately, this blog post was delayed due to some technical issues with my laptop. Now, after some work I have awoken my desktop tower from its long slumber. All the computing power just to write some words. 

This post will be covering my Vanguard Raptors and their Aetherwing compatriots. 

Now each of the Vanguard Raptors are practically the same as any other Stormcast unit, so they follow the same painting principles that I laid out in my Stormcast paint recipe, so I won't be covering them in much detail. The Aetherwings however, are new to the blog, so I'll be shining a light on them in this blog post. 

Each bird is basecoated with Flayed One Flesh (GW), to match with the pauldrons, shields, and robes of my Stormcast warriors. This really helps to tie them in with the rest of the army, but at the same time really standout due to their pale coloration. 

This was then washed with a 75/25 mix of Lahmian Medium (GW) and Agrax Earthshade (GW). This is to thin the wash so as not to darken the color too much. Then, a heavy drybrush of Matt White (AP) brings the color to its final hue. This was less heavy on the underside of the bird. This achieves a snowy owl look that I'm a big fan of. 

The beak and feet are painted with Averland Sunset (GW), and the claws, eyes, and part of the beak are painted with Matt Black (AP).

I then painted the bases of the birds. The bit of leather joining the birds to the trees was painted with Chaotic Red (AP) and edge highlighted with Dragon Red (AP). The tree was basecoated with Leather Brown (AP) and washed with Agrax Earthshade (GW). I also took some of the Leather Brown and painted some the feather tips brown, as well as a brown strip behind each eye, to break up some of the white. 

To add some flair, I glued on some leaves to the branches, which really helped sell the trees as old and dying. The base is my standard Stormcast base, flocked with Army Painter Field Grass. Overall, very simple and easy but gives good results. 

Now onto the Vanguard Raptors. The major difference between these guys and say Liberators are their giant crossbows. Originally I had planned to paint them gold, but that would blend into the figure too much. Instead I basecoated the bows with Brass Scorpion (GW) and washed with Nuln Oil (GW). This gives some subtle variation that I'm pleased with. The trim is Shining Silver (AP), which is also washed with Nuln Oil. 

The unit leader has an Aetherwing perched on his arm, which was painted in exactly the same way as the other three birds. The leather glove on the Raptor's arm was painted the same as the trees, Leather Brown (AP) washed with Agrax Earthshade (GW). 

Hope you all like this post, happy painting! 

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