Gaming | The Mordheim Finale

The warbands have all grown mighty in the last few weeks, and so we look to bring this open campaign to a close. Mostly because now we know who the main core of players are, and so we can start a proper map campaign. But also for the fun of it and as a chance for everyone to try new warbands! And what better way to close it off than with a 4 player free-for-all winner-takes-all deathmatch. 


Hobby | Something a Little Different

I've recently passed around the sun a total of 30 times, so now that I have become an old man, it's time for my hobby to get serious. I don't have kids yet though, so I'm legally not allowed to get into historical wargaming yet. This model was a gift from a friend, from the Lindberg line of models, not that I know what that means. This guy is an XB-70, the supersonic strategic bomber the US Air Force came up with back in the golden age of aviation. 

XB-70 Model

Gaming | Star Wars Armada

2024 seems to be the year of variety, what with Mordheim starting up earlier in the year and now Armada. This is the 3rd game that I've played, but the first this year, the first to the full 400 point standard game, the first with the Rebels, the first with upgrades, and the first against an opponent that I'm not related to. Lots of firsts as you can see. 

Star Wars Armada
We could, in fact, repel firepower of that magnitude

Gaming | The Ambush

We had something of a bye week to let everyone get a break, but the action has returned to Mordheim! This time we have my Skaven facing off against some Witch Hunters in a game that was... unfortunately one sided. 


Gaming | Occupy Wall Street

The Mordheim campaign continues apace, this time pitting my wily Eshin warband vs the horrifically whimsical Cult of the Possessed. The objective for this game was Occupy, where teams had to have at least one unit in the footprint of a building with no enemy models contesting. Luckily for me, everyone survived last time, but unfortunately no one gained enough XP to have any new skills or changes to their baseline stats. So in the warband went to claim ruined buildings for what I'm sure are nefarious reasons.

Mordheim Occupy

Gaming | Wyrdstone Hunt

Practice games are done, the gloves are off, and the deaths are real. The Mordheim campaign has finally begun.


Hobby | Action Hero Pose Skaven

The fancy knights of Bretonnia, and the dirtier peasants, can't be getting all the attention. After all, they weren't even the first project this year that was set in the Old World. Nope, we're back to our Skaven content. This time we've got another hero for the warband, 1 of the 2 Black Skaven that I'm allowed in the warband. 

Mordheim Black Skaven

WIP | Time is a Square

This year has unintentionally had something of a throwback theme, as I've started playing Mordheim, and now I'm working on getting an army for Warhammer: The Old World off the ground. I never got to play Warhammer Fantasy back in the day, let alone make a rank and flank army. When Age of Sigmar launched, I did manage to pick up some official models, which I supplemented with miniatures from Fireforge Games. I didn't get very far, as the army didn't really have a place in the modern game. I mean, sure, I could play them as Cities of Sigmar, but it just didn't fit very well. But thanks to the revitalization of Warhammer Fantasy, I'm finally able to give this army some much needed love. 

Bretonnia Army

Hobby | Totally not a Paladin for D&D

Recently I’ve been painting up lots of Skaven for Mordheim, and that's meant that I've had a lot of reds and blacks and cream colors left on my palette. I also had this guy sitting around half painted, and guess what? The paint recipe calls for lots of reds and blacks and creams. Huzzah for efficiency! 

Painted Stormcast Eternals Knight Relictor

Hobby | Sneaky Stab Kill

My Eshin Skaven warband continues to grow, and this time, we have the head honcho of this whole operation: the Assassin Adept. In reality, this model is a Deathmaster from the Age of Sigmar line, but they're basically the same model.  

Skaven Deathmaster