Age of Sigmar Deathrattle marching across swamps

Age of Sigmar Deathrattle marching across swamps

Gaming | Casual, 4 Player Messy Fun

Look, I know, it's 2023, let bygones be bygones. And this particular game was played in 2022. However, the Space Dino very rarely games nowadays, so getting the chance to play was a blast, and I had to share the total of three photos I have of the night. 

Game of Age of Sigmar

My brothers, of which I have many, all came to visit over the holidays, which allowed me to finally have an opportunity to get in a game of Age of Sigmar. I dedicate so much time to this hobby but precious few playing, and it really showed. I limited the four players to 500 points each, and only to the rules on warscrolls. I find a lot of the rules in AoS, especially the army specific stuff, difficult to remember, let alone teach. So here we were, 500 points each of Nighthaunt (me), Sylvaneth (my newest army), Thunderstrike Stormcast, and Slaves to Darkness (or the Shovel Knight army, according to my youngest brother). 

Game of Age of Sigmar

This was also a lesson in how unbalanced warscrolls are amongst each other. While yes, armies are balanced in terms of what special stuff they get in the book, it really highlights to me how dependent units are on this stuff. I'm not saying it shouldn't, but if I manage to kill your support pieces that confer those bonuses and your warscrolls are inherently weak, well...

Southpark Meme

However, some armies have really good synergy within their warscrolls. My Nighthaunt were a complete pain for the Sylvaneth to deal with since I kept brining back Chainrasps with my Guardian of Souls. Not that the terrible die rolls from the Sylvaneth were any help. On the literal other side of the table, the Thunderstrike Stormcast, especially the 2+ save Annihilators, were just too much for the Slaves to Darkness player to deal with. Which all makes for the not the funnest of games, as there's some frustration. 

Game of Age of Sigmar

Sure, the army rules would help here, but getting people to read through a whole battletome and make an army list before starting a game, on top of not being as interested in it as you are, can be a lot to ask for. I do miss some of the ease of the early AoS days when it had a bit more beer and pretzel vibe to it. I think I need to just find a way to simplify all of those army rules and make it easier for newbies or very casual players to jump in. Just to make sure people aren't turned away by a heap of rules to make for a balanced game. 

Have you had anything like this before? How do you ease new players into the "full" rules of AoS, and not just the core rules? Let me know, I'd really like to crack that nut.

-The Space Dinosaur


  1. Well the table and miniatures look nice anyway.
    I’ve never played AoS or read the rules or seen a game…so I can’t help ya. I will say that GW is known for not really caring too much about balancing and that GW often ‘hides’ it’s balancing spread out over several rules and books bc part of the gamy experience is the meta of figuring that stuff out. Good luck!😀

    1. Thanks I was at least pleased with that part.
      Haha yeah rules are all over the place and it's hard to keep it all in one place. I'll figure it out eventually...
