Age of Sigmar Deathrattle marching across swamps

Age of Sigmar Deathrattle marching across swamps

Hobby Table: Classic and Converted Skaven Clan Skryre Acolytes

Get your brushes and clippers, and welcome to the Space Dinosaur Hobby Table, where I cover what I've completed recently in the Age of Sigmar hobby, along with my thoughts on the sculpts, how easy they're to paint, and any tips or tricks I can pass on to make your life easier. Today's post will cover some Skaven Clan Skryre Acolytes, some of which are converted from out of production Poison Wind Mortars. 

Age of Sigmar Clan Skryre Acolytes

Before anyone says anything, yes I know that officially these should be on 32mm bases, but when I assembled these they were supposed to be on 25mm, and I don't want to go through the effort of rebasing them, again. As for the models themselves, they are a mix of the official model and rats from the Poison Wind Mortar weapon team, which is sadly discontinued. Acolytes come in units of 5, and instead of spending stupid amounts of money to create another unit of Acolytes, I simply took my remaining weapons teams and split them apart. I think they fit in rather nicely. 

Age of Sigmar Converted Skryre Acolyte

Painting was a breeze, and there's nothing particularly new to write about in that arena; you can refer to previous Skaven posts to get the idea. However, I will say that you should always be on the look out on how to use old models that no longer have rules though, as you've paid for them and spent time working on them. Don't let things like "official-ness" get in the way of maximizing your hobby fun. As long as the model has the same equipment, is about the same size, and is easily readable on the tabletop you shouldn't have a problem using it. That goes for 3rd party models as well in my opinion, but that's a discussion for another post. 

Age of Sigmar Converted Skryre Acolytes

The picture above is the best example of splitting the old weapon team, as they are positioned how they would be on one base. I had 3 extra weapons teams and I used them to supplement my actual Acolyte models to create 2 units of 5. They play ok in game, but in reality they mostly serve as battleline tax to get a pure Skryre army. I do prefer the look of these Acolytes better, they have much more character and I especially like the one lugging about the mortar. It feels like it could blow up at any moment, which is peak Skaven in my eyes.

Now for Hobby Table tradition, I will judge the models based on two categories. Firstly, the sculpt itself will be scored on a scale of 0 to 10, with 5 being average, 0 horrendous, and 10 a marvel. For a reference point, I consider the Stormcast Liberator to be a 5, neither great nor bad. Just a passable, average model. Then I will score on Ease of Painting, between 1 and 5, 1 being a slog to paint and 5 being a breeze. 

I am also splitting this between the old metal sculpts and the newer but discontinued weapon team:

Old Skryre Acolyte
Sculpt: 4/10
Ease of Painting: 5/5

Converted Skryre Acolyte
Sculpt: 6/10
Ease of Painting: 5/5

Final tips: It's much cheaper to convert Acolytes than buy them, see what you can find on Ebay. 

-The Space Dinosaur

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