Age of Sigmar Deathrattle marching across swamps

Age of Sigmar Deathrattle marching across swamps

Narrative: Ambush in the Forest

A hiss of tortured metal tore through the evening air, its echoes lingering for longer than it should. Higgs knew, one of his men would not be returning. Not in any recognizable manner, at least. He risked a glance out into the void that was the coming night. Shapes fluttered in the periphery, restless shadows unnatural in their movements. A pale face blossomed from the night, its skin devoid of flesh. Witch light fluttered and danced amidst empty eye sockets. Clutched within skeletal hands was a cruel scythe, blade covered in the ichor of the recently departed. The creature's mouth opened, and silence overtook the forest. Then came the rest. 

Cities of Sigmar vs Nighthaunt

Hobby Table: More Endless Spells

This weekend I managed to knock out two quick models, both endless spells: Chronomatic Cogs and the Purple Sun of Shyish.

Paint Recipe: How to Paint Gloomspite Gitz

Although the typical Gloomspite paint scheme is pretty good with the black robes and all, my Stormcast collection has the black schtick covered. And yes, I know that my Heldenmarch/Freeguild are also yellow, but this is a different yellow, so it doesn't count see? Besides, in my head canon these crafty gobbos steal materials from Heldenmarch to make their garments, using bits of uniforms to make their robes. So I'm justified in my decision making I say.

Now on to the recipe...

Narrative: Silverlight Map Second Edition

A while back on this blog I made a post about my home-brew lore for my Age of Sigmar miniatures and games that I set in the Silverlight Realm. I have very much enjoyed updating the map and lore as time has progressed, and I have now developed what I call the second edition map, along with new lore to match.

The Silverlight Sea and surrounding land masses. 

Hobby Table: The Great Basing and Priming of 2020

As I continue to progress through my hobby backlog, I realize that sometimes I won't start painting a model, even if I really want to, because it isn't primed and I just don't feel like putting in the effort to do so. I used to use spray can primer, but it was so weather dependent and it can get so blisteringly hot here that getting a significant amount of models primed was a chore. Instead I've moved on to using an airbrush.

So much to go! 

Delay in Posting due to Kitten

Hello all, the lack of posts in the past week has been due to the addition of a kitten to my home, I will be back with regular posts this week. Until then enjoy the picture!

Age of Sigmar Soulbound: What it Provides for Narrative Gaming

Warhammer Age of Sigmar Soulbound, the new RPG set it in the mortal realms, is now out today as a PDF, or, if you want a hard copy, it is for pre-order. Link here. Although I don't really intend to use many of the combat mechanics, preferring to use the normal Age of Sigmar rules slightly modified, the wealth of lore and background material provided is a treasure trove for narrative gamers.

A Freeguild contingent races to fend off an invader. 

What Soulbound offers narrative gamers are stories to spice up a game and give it a reason for existing. All throughout the book are little hooks tied to a realm, an organization, or a deity that can easily be adapted from an RPG into a game of Age of Sigmar. 

Pictures throughout are there for visual interest, so enjoy!

Paint Recipe: How to Paint Nighthaunt

Welcome to the 20th post of my blog! This is something of an accomplishment for me actually sticking to this blog enough to get here, so I thought it was worth noting. Moving past the self-adulation, this post I have a paint recipe for Nighthaunts, that, while similar to the Nihilakh Oxide method many painters use, I vastly prefer for consistency reasons.

The finished model. 
 Onto the paint recipe then.