Age of Sigmar Deathrattle marching across swamps

Age of Sigmar Deathrattle marching across swamps

Hobby | Republic Victory-Class Star Destroyer

As I come to grips with Armada and it's mechanics, I've been learning about all of the various launches of ships and how they affect the game. I also learned that at some point, ownership of the game went from Fantasy Flight Games to Atomic Mass Games. AMG hasn't released any new models, but they have released print and play expansions that allow you to use old ships in new factions, which I think is neat. They've also used some lore justifications for this instead of just willy-nilly adding things, which I think is neater. However, that means you end up with situations where an Imperial ship in Imperial grey colors is flying alongside Republic ships in the egg-white and maroon colors of the prequels. Which isn't neat to me. Luckily, I am an ok painter, so I was able to do something about that. 

Star Wars Armada Republic Victory-class Star Destroyer

This here is a Victory-class Star Destroyer. As far as I'm aware, it hasn't shown up on the screen, big or small. Instead, it's been in comics and in books. I think FFG just needed a small Star Destroyer in their starter box so dredged it up from some obscure lore. A nerdier Star Wars fan can correct me if I'm wrong. Apparently, these guys were active in the very late portions of the Clone Wars, hence why they got a card in AMG's Rapid Reinforcements I

Star Wars Armada Republic Victory-class Star Destroyer

I went for basically the same color scheme as the Acclamator and Venator. A streak of maroon on the front and striping on the back. Of course with the Open Circle Fleet insignia. I struggled a bit getting the white to be the same color as the originals. I wasn't 100% effective, as it still looks a little brighter. I think I needed to mix in a bit more green (yep, green) to get the color right. Ah well, about as good as I want. 

Star Wars Armada Republic Victory-class Star Destroyer

The striping on the back was a headache. Lot's of back and forth and back and forth. I almost didn't paint it on the bottom, but the completionist in me wouldn't have allowed it. The laziness in me let me be just a tad messier though, as not many people would see it from below. I didn't even include any photos of the bottom, which serves as an example of that. 

Star Wars Armada Republic Victory-class Star Destroyer

From a hobby perspective, I'm not sure if I consider this a conversion or a proxy. I didn't change anything about the model, but since these are pre-painted, changing the paint scheme is enough to completely change the appearance and feel of a model. Tomato potato I guess. 

Star Wars Armada Republic Victory-class Star Destroyer

-The Space Dinosaur 

Edit: I got some questions concerning the paint scheme, so here goes: 

White: Pallid Wych Flesh (Games Workshop) mixed with a very small amount of Nectrotic Flesh (Army Painter). The green might be counter-intuitive but it gives the white a warm grey tone. If you used a blue paint the white would have a cooler tone to it, which doesn't complement with the maroon as much, imo.

Maroon: About a 70/30 mix of Chaos Red (Army Painter) and Oozing Purple (Army Painter). The lilac purple helps to lighten the red into maroon without going into pink territory.

Yellow: Averland Sunset (Games Workshop) mixed with some Skeleton Bone (Army Painter). I experimented with the exact combo until I got the color I wanted. The khaki helps keep the yellow on the cream side instead of just becoming lighter.

Then I just used a normal Nuln Oil (GW) wash in the panel lines.


  1. Great looking repaint job, never knew the Republic had Star destroyers but makes sense!
    Best Iain

    1. Thanks! Neither did I, but yeah it does, kinda wish that got shown in the lore more to make the continuity between the trilogies better. Ah well.

  2. Came out looking great to me. I failed my SW knowledge check roll; who are the republic again?
    I wouldn’t call it a conversion or a proxy; in my circles it’s called “a tarting up.” 😀

    1. Thank you! Ah, they're the good guys from the Prequel Trilogy, they eventually turned into the Empire from the original Star Wars movies.
      Haha maybe I'll have to make a whole tag for tarting up!

  3. Great work SD, you're spot on it hasn't appeared in either big or small screen so far, but it might at some point. The lines and symbols look perfect for Republic configuration.

    1. Hopefully it does, I always love when minis go from the screen to the table, and even more when they pull off the reverse! And thanks, good to know the frustration was worth it haha.
