It's time for some of the OG, most iconic squadrons in all of Star Wars, the Rebel alphabet soup. Soon to be followed by the much more grey, much more annoying to paint Empire. In this post I'll cover the paints I use to bring color to the X-Wing, the Y-Wing, the B-Wing, and the A-Wing.
Age of Sigmar Deathrattle marching across swamps
Hobby | Separatist Reinforcements
The Republic has had their time in the sun with a fancy new Star Destroyer, so it was only fair to turn my attention towards their nemesis, the droid filled CIS, the Separatists themselves. I painted all four of the squadron types available to them, as well as some Gozanti-class Cruisers that they gained access to in Rapid Reinforcements I.
Hobby | Republic Victory-Class Star Destroyer
As I come to grips with Armada and it's mechanics, I've been learning about all of the various launches of ships and how they affect the game. I also learned that at some point, ownership of the game went from Fantasy Flight Games to Atomic Mass Games. AMG hasn't released any new models, but they have released print and play expansions that allow you to use old ships in new factions, which I think is neat. They've also used some lore justifications for this instead of just willy-nilly adding things, which I think is neater. However, that means you end up with situations where an Imperial ship in Imperial grey colors is flying alongside Republic ships in the egg-white and maroon colors of the prequels. Which isn't neat to me. Luckily, I am an ok painter, so I was able to do something about that.