Age of Sigmar Deathrattle marching across swamps

Age of Sigmar Deathrattle marching across swamps

Review | Dungeons and Lasers III Stretch Goals

Welcome to another review here on the Space Dinosaur, where I'll take a deep dive into a product, game, or technique and offer my opinions and recommendations. Today's post will look at the most recent of Archon Studios' kickstarters to ship, Dungeons and Lasers III. 

Dungeons & Lasers III Stretch Goals Review

Hobby | Converted Stormcast Eternals Knight Vexillors

Get your brushes and clippers, and welcome to the Space Dinosaur Hobby Table, where I cover what I've completed recently in the Age of Sigmar hobby, along with a mini-review of the sculpts, how easy they're to paint, and any tips or tricks I can pass on to make your life easier. Today I have not one, but two Knight Vexillors for the Stormcast Eternals. 

Stormcast Eternals Knight Vexillor

Hobby | Charnel Pit of the Ghoul Queen (Reaper Miniatures Bones V)

Get your brushes and clippers, and welcome to the Space Dinosaur Hobby Table, where I cover what I've completed recently in the Age of Sigmar hobby, along with a mini-review of the sculpts, how easy they're to paint, and any tips or tricks I can pass on to make your life easier. Today we wrap up the terrain train with another mini from Reaper Miniatures, this time the Charnel Pit of the Ghoul Queen. 

Reaper Miniatures Charnel Pit of the Ghoul Queen