Age of Sigmar Deathrattle marching across swamps

Age of Sigmar Deathrattle marching across swamps

Hobby Table: Khorne Slaughterpriest for my Slaves to Darkness

Get your brushes and clippers, and welcome to the Space Dinosaur Hobby Table, where I cover what I've completed recently in the Age of Sigmar hobby, along with my thoughts on the sculpts, how easy they're to paint, and any tips or tricks I can pass on to make your life easier. Today I'll be showing off my recently completed Khorne Slaughterpriest, who'll stand in for a Chaos Lord in my Slaves to Darkness army.

Age of Sigmar Khorne Slaughterpriest

After the monumental effort that the Stardrake took, I took a bit of a short break from the hobby to rest. Well now I'm back, and I wanted to start with something a little more simple and easy. Stormcast are fairly easy to paint, but again, the Stardrake burnt me out from that motif a bit. Instead, I went with another of my tried and true paint schemes: my Slaves to Darkness army

Age of Sigmar Khorne Slaughterpriest

I'm actually quite close to completely painting all of the models in this army, with just this Slaughterpriest, 5 Chaos Knights, 6 Harpies, and a Warstomper Giant left. I didn't feel like painting a whole unit, so I grabbed the Slaughterpriest off the shelf and gave it a fairly quick paint job. This is one of those models where you can do as much or as little as you want and it'll still look pretty good. The posing is excellent and the details are easy to read. 

Age of Sigmar Khorne Slaughterpriest

I decided not to spend too much time on this one, but I think it still came out rather well. It's really easy to paint, with lots of skin and metal covering most of the model so it wasn't too bad. There are some hard to reach areas if you've fully assembled the model, but nothing that made it frustrating. So I don't think sub-assemblies are necessary for this one. 

Age of Sigmar Khorne Slaughterpriest

Now for my overall thoughts on the model, I will judge it based on two categories. Firstly, the sculpt itself will be scored on a scale of 0 to 10, with 5 being average, 0 horrendous, and 10 a marvel. For a reference point, I consider the Stormcast Liberator to be a 5, neither great nor bad. Just a passable, average model. Then I will score on Ease of Painting, between 1 and 5, 1 being a slog to paint and 5 being a breeze.
My Slaughterpriest review:

Sculpt: 8/10

I think the pose of this model is what really sells it. The confident, strong stance with the sword angled out and the mace hanging menacingly just looks great. One thing that brings it down for me is that this guy looks so out of scale with some of the other Chaos foot soldiers it just looks off. 

Ease of Painting: 4/5

This is a great model to spend an afternoon on. If you want to go all out you can, but it doesn't need it. Plus the model is open enough that your brush can reach the majority of places with ease. 

Final tips: The mace chain is quite fragile and snapped off several times. I reinforced it with a lot of super glue and lost some of the details on the hand due to that. So be aware of this when handling this model. 

-The Space Dinosaur

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