Age of Sigmar Deathrattle marching across swamps

Age of Sigmar Deathrattle marching across swamps

Hobby Table: Wrapping up the Malign Sorcery Endless Spells, Geminids and Prismatic Palisade

 Get your brushes and clippers, and welcome to the Space Dinosaur Hobby Table, where I cover what I've completed recently in the Age of Sigmar hobby, along with my thoughts on the sculpts, how easy they're to paint, and any tips or tricks I can pass on to make your life easier. Today's post will be a short one, but looking at two, technically 3 models: the Geminids of Uhl-Gysh and the Prismatic Palisade. 

Geminids of Uhl-Gysh

The best thing about Endless Spells, outside of the game at least, is how easy and quick they are to paint. When I get burnt out on projects that are taking far too long, I like to grab an Endless Spell as a palate cleanser. All of these models I knocked out in an hour, and they came out quite nice. They are also the last of the Endless Spells from the Malign Sorcery box set that I had left, so it feels good to accomplish that. 

The Geminids took me a bit to settle on a paint scheme I liked, but I eventually decided to go for a metallic look because for one, it was really easy and fast, and two I thought it would look different. To be honest, it's not my favorite model of all time but it gets the job done. 

Age of Sigmar Prismatic Palisade

Next up we have the Prismatic Palisade, which was finished in about 3 minutes without factoring in drying time. I primed the model white, washed it with yellow wash, then drybrushed on some white. Then painted up the base and called it good. Looks good for the amount of effort I put in. The only thing to watch out for is the wash pooling as it dries.

Hopefully this inspires you to go out and get some of those easy models painted, over time it really helps to make a dent in the pile of shame. 

-The Space Dinosaur

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