While I've enjoyed posting my random musings on this blog, it's come to my attention that having a blog with no real direction or aim to it leads to a decided lack of interest on my part. To be fair, I've never really wanted to make this a major hobby, but I do like writing from time to time.
Recently, my wargaming attention has solely been focused on Age of Sigmar. The lore for Warhammer Fantasy and now Age of Sigmar really fascinates me, and in this new setting the ability to create your own lore really gets the creative juices flowing. So from here on out, this blog is dedicated to exploring the lore of my particular chunk of the mortal realms in which my various armies live and fight. From time to time, I'll post some material from other universes, but the bulk will be AoS.
Enough of the introduction, on to the interesting things!
The Silverlight Sea and surrounding land masses. |
Situated in the Realm of Metal, the Silverlight Sea is so named for the glints of silver that crest each wave in the sea. To the east are the varied factions of men, aelves, and dwarves. The north is dominated by the Ironwoods, a forest known for its oak trees made of solid iron and the Spiderfang grot tribes that call the forest home. The west is made of rugged lands filled with orruks and Chaos tribes, most notably those of the Skal Flats. A small Kharadron trading port resides atop the great eyries here. To the south is a small island where there is a strange floating ziggurat. Most important of all is the Silverlight Realmgate, guarded jealously by a contingent of Stormcast Eternals hailing from the Realm of Aqshy.
In the coming weeks I will be covering each of the regions in more detail, as well as presenting histories and the painted armies that go with certain regions. Until next time!