Space Din-O-Pionions | Goals for 2025

Another turn around the sun and we find ourselves facing another year. New Years can be new opportunities, or a chance to finish the ones we set out for ourselves last year. I've taken some time to clean up the hobby desk, organize some collections, and generally make things more accessible to make my goals a little easier to achieve. Now lets see what I plan to do. 

Ordinarily, I'd lay out 5 specific goals and then at the end of the year I'll look back and see how I did. This time around, I think I'm just going to look at each game system I own and what I plan to do with each one. 

Black Seas

The current apple of my eye will continue to get loads of love and attention in the coming year. I've got a few ships in various states of completion, and I just organized a bunch of the unpainted models in a way that makes sense so I can just grab what I need. I've been going down the line, painting a model for each nation, which is working out fairly nicely. To give it a bit of focus though, I think I'll look at the United States conflicts during the Napoleonic era, which would include the Quasi-War with France, the First Barbary Wars against the Barbary States, and of course the War of 1812 against England. Almost all of those battles were single ship actions, with very few fleet actions. This should help my small collection be relevant sooner. And it will make the smaller un-rated ships a lot more useful, as I've discovered against the larger ships they die way too quickly. But that's for another post. This just leaves Spain and Pirates without a plan, but for Christmas I got some sloops and galleons, which fit more with the Golden Age of Piracy, so later in the year I may devote some time in the Caribbean for some classic swashbuckling action. 

Black Powder: Epic Battles - American Civil War

I'm very much looking forward to trying a game of this. Technically, I can play the game right out of the box, as each side is produced in grey and blue plastic. But I'd like to get at least a little bit of painting done so that the game doesn't look ugly. After all, I'm in it for the looks, as most wargamers are. The box does come with a booklet that has a variety of scenarios in it, so I'm just going to grab the first one, which is the Battle of Greenbrier River, and paint to that. Of course, there's an orchard, and a river and some roads in that scenario, so I'll have to figure that out. Luckily all your blogs have some excellent content in that area and so I'll be referring to those for inspiration. 


There are so many different Warhammer systems I'm throwing them all together into one category, as they all influence each other and in some instances use the same models. First, Mordheim. A new campaign is starting up here shortly, and I need a new warband. I've chosen the Norse Explorers, and I'm using some Khorne Bloodreavers from my Slaves to Darkness army, along with a few models from other miniatures lines to fill out the roster. 

Age of Sigmar and The Old World are going to do some sharing. I have a Cities of Sigmar army that will become an Empire of Man army for The Old World, I just need to do some cleaning up and maybe a touch of rebasing. I also really want to get a game in for The Old World at some point if I can find a free weekend. For Age of Sigmar, I'd like to do a little downsizing, as I have a one or two armies too many. It's tough to do, but they just eat up a lot of space and time that I can use elsewhere. 

Star Wars Armada and X-Wing

I'm not gonna lie, the recent-ish death of these games systems has sucked the life out of the game in this area, not that there was much to begin with. Which leaves me with a large collection and not a lot to do with it. I do have some 3D prints of a Venator and some E-Wings to complete to round out the "official" collection, but after that it's just what next? I don't want it to be the end, but these games will become once in a blue moon systems sadly. 

That's what I got for the next year, looking forward to what everyone else puts out this year! 

-The Space Dinosaur


  1. Solid plan SD, and like the way you have broken it down for each system. I feel your pain on the Star Wars games, as I bought into these way to late, and all I have are some fighters, but I'm sure I'll find 3D prints when I'm ready to build the bits I want to, like your ships, I'll probably pick a scenario I want to do, and then sort out those ships first.

    1. Thanks Dave, I think it'll work better for me to look at them holistically like this. Yeah I have a few 3D prints, I've debated getting a few more but investing more at this point seems fruitless. Looking forward to seeing what you do with them!
